Celebrating the Jubilee in Education

Welcome to the Jubilee from Bishop Toal
CAFOD Jubilee Animation for Schools
A Jubilee Year is a special year that the Universal Church celebrates every 25 years. It's a time when people are encouraged to go on pilgrimages, say sorry for their sins, forgive others, and focus more on their faith. In the Bible, the Hebrew tradition talks about a Jubilee every 50 years, when slaves were set free and debts were forgiven. In 1300, Pope Boniface VIII started the first Christian Jubilee, and since then, every Jubilee year has been a time for grace and forgiveness, where people can receive a special blessing called a plenary indulgence.
In the opening words of Pope Francis’ message for the Jubilee, he says, “Spes non confundit. Hope does not disappoint.” This means that hope is the central focus for the 2025 Jubilee. The year started with the opening of the Holy Door at St. Peter's Basilica on December 24, 2024, by Pope Francis, and it will end with the closing of the Holy Door on January 6, 2026, the Feast of the Epiphany.
The theme of the 2025 Jubilee is “Pilgrims of Hope.” Pope Francis reminds us that we must "fan the flame of hope" in our hearts, and help others find strength and hope by looking toward the future with trust and a positive outlook. During the Jubilee Year, the Pope invites everyone to go on a pilgrimage of hope, so that, "Through our example, hope can spread to those who are searching for it."
Show us how your school is marking the Jubilee by uploading your image using the form on the right and we'll display it in the gallery below.