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Synodality and Spirituality

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At its heart, synodality is spirituality, a way of being Church rooted in prayer and bearing fruit in mission. As we grow in the spiritual life, we experience deeper communion and participation in the life of the Church. Resources are offered on this page which aim to nourish and structure your spiritual life. Please let us know of other resources you have found useful or suggestions you would like to make.

Church Dome

Words on Prayer

by Pope Francis

Prayer belongs to everyone: to men and women of every religion, and probably also to those who profess none. Prayer arises in our innermost self, in that interior place that spiritual authors call “heart” (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2562-2563). Therefore, it is not something peripheral that prays within us, it is not some secondary and marginal ability that we have, but rather it is our most intimate mystery. It is this mystery that prays. Feelings pray, but one cannot say that prayer is only feeling. Intelligence prays, but praying is not simply an intellectual act. The body prays, but one can  speak with God even having the most serious disability. Thus the entire person prays when  praying with the “heart”.


Prayer is an impulse; it is an invocation that goes beyond ourselves: something that is born

in the intimacy of our person and extends, because it senses the nostalgia of an encounter.

That nostalgia which is more than a need, more than a necessity: it is a path. Prayer is the

voice of an “I” that fumbles, that proceeds unsteadily in search of a “You”. The encounter

between the “I” and the “You” cannot occur via calculators: it is a human encounter and we

often proceed unsteadily in order to find the “You” that my “I” is seeking.


Our vision

Through a deep personal relationship with God in Christ, to be led by
the Holy Spirit into a transformed experience of being Church


Enlightened by the Word of God and united in prayer, we will
be able to discern the processes to seek God’s will and pursue
the pathways to which God calls us – towards deeper
communion, fuller participation, and greater openness to
fulfilling our mission in the world.

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Bible Lessons

Our Mission

To create opportunities for the people of the Diocese of Motherwell
to develop their spiritual lives and their experience of the Church.


The entire People of God shares a common dignity and
vocation through Baptism. All of us are called in virtue of our
Baptism to be active participants in the life of the Church ...
We are all invited to listen to one another in order to hear the
promptings of the Holy Spirit, who comes to guide our
efforts, breathing life and vitality into the Church and leading
us into deeper communion for our mission in the world.
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Family Praying

Our Promise

We will do this by


• Identifying resources for spiritual development
• Offering a brief description of them
• Making these accessible online


In addition, we will offer


• Regular prayer meetings on Zoom, and in person when possible
• Information about online conferences
• Videos for reflection and meditation

Virgin Mary and Jesus Statue
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Who we are

Anne Moore

Frances Spence

Gillean Maccluskey

Fr Tom Magill

Fr Bobby Kane

Will Ross


are members of the Adult Formation Team
of the Diocese’s Mission and Evangelisation Office.


Go to the Mission and Evangelisation page for more information

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Using a Touch Phone
Resources for Prayer and Devotions  
Music Sheets and a Cross
Music and spirituality

Catholic Spiritualities 

Prayer Group
Catholic Groups

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Spirituality, Art, Literature & Poetry     
A Rule of Life

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