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Education Resources

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This is Our Faith

This Is Our Faith,  the syllabus for Catholic religious education in Scotland, governs the teaching of religious education in Scotland's Catholic schools.  This is the first religious education syllabus to be originated wholly in Scotland and designed to meet the needs of young people in Scotland.  The Holy See's granting of the Decree of Recognitio is a rare and momentous achievement and pays testimony to the great efforts of so many people who have contributed to the development of the new syllabus.

This is Our Faith is the document which:

- is the official guidance which governs the teaching of religious education in Catholic schools in Scotland

- deals with the nature of the Catholic school, the purpose of religious education, the role of the teacher, the 8 Strands of Faith and the 'core learning' in faith which young people are expected to experience from P1 through to S3

- will help parents, teachers, catechists and clergy to ensure that young people can:


  • develop their knowledge and understanding of Catholic faith

  • nurture respect for other Christian traditions and world faiths

  • experience opportunities for spiritual growth

  • acquire the skills of reflection, discernment and moral decision-making

  • commit to beliefs, values and actions in a positive response to God’s invitation to faith.


Read more, and purchase a copy ofThis is Our Faith at the SCES website

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