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Holiday Hymn

Here are the lyrics for the Holiday Hymn, which teachers often reminisce about/ask for:

Below the lyrics is a file containing a sung version of the hymn, and another file with a music-only guitar version


(Abridged: full version below:)

Mother of all that is pure and glad 
All that is bright and blest 
As we have taken our toil to thee 
So will we take our rest. 
Take thou and bless our Holiday. 
O Causa Nostrae Laetitiae. 

Be with us, Mother, from morn till eve, 
Thou and Thy Blessed Son, 
Keep us from all that is grief to you, 
‘Till the weeks and months are run. 
Thine be we still, when grave or gay, 
O Causa Nostrae Laetitiae. 

Smile upon all that is dear to us, 
Smile on our school and home, 
Smile on the days we are passing now, 
Smile on the years to come, 
Brighten our work and gladden our play, 
O Causa Nostrae Laetitiae. 

Full version:

Mother of all that is pure and glad 
All that is bright and blest 
As we have taken our toil to thee 
So will we take our rest. 
Take thou and bless our Holiday. 
O Causa Nostrae Laetitiae. 

Airs that are soft and a cloudless sky 
We would owe all to Thee 
Speak to Thy Son as Thou didst of old, 
That feast day in Galilee 
Tell Him our needs in Thine own sweet way, 
O Causa Nostrae Laetitiae. 

Be with us, Mother, from morn till eve, 
Thou and Thy Blessed Son, 
Keep us from all that is grief to you, 
‘Till the weeks and months are run. 
Thine be we still, when grave or gay, 
O Causa Nostrae Laetitiae. 

Smile upon all that is dear to us, 
Smile on our school and home, 
Smile on the days we are passing now, 
Smile on the years to come, 
Brighten our work and gladden our play, 
O Causa Nostrae Laetitiae. 

Keep us in all that is blest of God, 
Give us the joys that endure, 
Lips that have smiles and words for all, 
Hearts that are kind and pure; 
So wilt Thou be by night and day, 
O Causa Nostrae Laetitiae. 

Come when earth’s tears and smiles are o’er, 
Mother of peace and love, 
Show to us Him who is joy to earth, 
And joy to the hosts above, 
So shall we laugh in the latter day, 

Holiday Hymn with Lyrics - RCDOM
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Holiday Hymn (Music only) - RCDOM
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