P1 - Advent
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by St Andrew's cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P1 Advent short version (click to open)
P1 Advent long version (click to open)

Exemplar narrative 1:
St John Ogilvie cluster group
Week 1:
(ties in with Education for Love - preparing for a baby coming)
- Alive-O song "I'm waiting" - discuss how they feel when they are waiting for something - e.g. a birthday or a party
- Explain that Advent is the time when we wait and prepare for the birth of Jesus
- Advent calendar: make large with squares of paper - laminated baby Jesus, each child moves baby each day, and explains what their own good deed is.
- Sing Advent song each day
- Good deed box and tree - begin to add as Jesus' present
- Crib/ Nativity scene put on class altar (minus baby Jesus)
Week 2:
Ask children to bring in their own bibles/story books with Christmas story and read different versions and online versions (e.g. CBeebies/Top Marks)
- Keep Christ in Christmas art competition
- Natvity play - to explain the role of each character in the Christmas story
- Alive-O song "Carol of the Journey"
- Eikon Bible Art for Powerpoints of bible stories)
(Continue Advent promises/calendar)
Week 3:
- Prayer service - thanking God for the gift of His Son
- Children visit the church or go to Mass on last day to place the Advent Good Deed Box at crib to thank God for His gift
Assesment ideas:
Write: Children to write good deed
Make Christmas cards
Write Christmas prayer
Say: Class discussion on waiting for event
Sing Advent songs/hymns
Make: Advent calendar - make and laminate squares
Make baby Jesus
Make decision on how/when to do good deeds
Art competition: Keep Christ in Christmas
Do: Move/open Advent calendar
Children to bring own bibles from home
Nativity - explain each character's role in the story
Take part in play

Exemplar narrative 2:
St Margaret's cluster meeting P1 group
Advent wreath – significance of 4 candles – countdown to Jesus’ birth. Advent promise tree
Communication for All interactive Advent calendar (from Jam Advent CD or at http://www.jamtrust.org/resources/59-advent-calendar.html)
Story of the Nativity – learning through doing (songs and script)
Link to the children’s own family life – all families are different. Where were they born? (bring in photos – ‘My arrival’ personal presentation)
The arrival of something special (waiting for a birthday present etc. How did this feel?)
Going to Mass, prayer service, carol concert, nativity play
Assessment Ideas: 1
Write: 4/5 Key Words - Joy, Peace, Love Hope, Jesus.
Say: Discsussion of the meanings of the key words.
Discuss the different colour of candles.
Make: Make an Advent Wreath out of a handprint.
Colour the fingers as candles; nails as flames.
Do: Have a real wreath and light the candles after every Sunday.
Act out the Nativity.
Assessment Ideas: 2
Write: Write about time said 'Yes' to help someone.
Beginning/Middle/End of Christmas story.
Say: Prayer/Circle time.
Glory be.
Hail Mary.
Make: Mary's Meal Packs.
Food parcels for Charities.
Advent wreath.
Birthday cards (Jesus)
Do: Sequence events of Christmas story in correct order.
Nativity show.

Exemplar narrative 3:
OLHS Cluster
- To reflect on the visit to Mary from the Angel, our Advent theme will begin with a visit from the Angel to the children. (Large sized Angel in classroom holding a scroll with a message to the children)
- Angel sent a message of a special birthday, discuss who the person may be.
- Angel brought a present (advent wreath - significance of candles discussed with children i.e. colour).
- Through weekly class prayer service the children became aware that they were
preparing for something special.
Write - Children wrote a response to the letter from the Advent angel saying how they would
prepare for Advent
- Advent prayer on angel's wings
- Wrote a recount of the Nativity story.
Say - Shared Advent prayer with their classmates
- Performance of Nativity Play
- Daily reflection using Advent Wreath/Calender.
Make - Children made boxes of love
- Using children's handprints made Advent wreath
- Children made corwns for the Kings.
Do - Performed in the Nativity Play
- Quiet reflection when children say own Advent prayer.