P1 - Beginning of School Year
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by St Andrew's cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P1 Beginning of the Year short version (click to open)
P1 Beginning of the Year long version (click to open)

Exemplar narrative 1:
Holy Cross learning community meeting working group
Looking at school/class library. Children talk about favourite books/stories/characters.
(Assessment ideas:
Say: children can talk about favourite books/stories/character.
Do: can choose a book to show to the class)
Start a “special book” corner/table – children bring in their favourite books. Discuss the idea that these books are very special to the children and should be treated with respect by all.
(Assessment idea:
Do: can create a book corner)
Set up class altar with place for Christians’ special book “The Bible”. Talk about how sacred this book is to us as Christians and that it is the “Word of God” – God speaks to us through stories in the Bible. Take great care and respect when reading and handling the bible.
(Assessment ideas:
Say: children can talk about what the Bible is and why it is special.
Make: contribute item to class altar.
Do: can gather at altar to pray)
Visit to Church and show where Bible is displayed. Local priest to speak to children about Bible (kissing, kept on lectern etc) – link back to class altar.
(Assessment idea:
Write: can draw or label items on the altar or in the church.)
Mention bible made up of two parts: Old and New Testament
Explain that NT tells us stories about Jesus. Ask about Jesus – can they tell us anything about Jesus. Do they know stories about Jesus – these can be read from the Bible (art, drama etc)
(Assessment ideas:
Write: sequence bible stories.
Say: in pairs or small groups tell each other a bible story they have learned in class.
Make: contribute to class display of bible stories.)
Introduce Mary as mother of Jesus, chosen by God. Explain Mary as mother of us all (can be revisited and extended nearer Advent/May)
(Assessment idea:
Say: children know who Mary is.
Make: draw a picture of Mary/contribute to altar in honour of Mary/a gift for Mary)

Exemplar narrative 2:
Trinity learning community working group
(Working group note: we would transfer this theme to later in the school year e.g. January, as in our Authority, P1 pupils are only in school for a half day at the beginning of term)
- Recap of previous learning - Nativity: where did this story come from?
- focus on special books
- highlight experience of childrens' liturgy and special stories
- bring in bibles given as presents, or photos of bibles
- priest to be invited to class to bless the children's bibles, and to bless the class bible
- use interactive bible stories from RE online
- visit to church to see the lectern and bible
- see statue of Mary in the church
- read Gospel account of Presentation of the child Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2: 22-35), to understand Mary as Jesus' mother
Assessment ideas:
Write: Illustrate bible stories.
Class prayers.
Colour in bible stories
Say: Re-tell bible stories.
Rosary - awareness of decades of the Rosary.
Know and Pray Hail Mary and other class prayers.
Make: Make masks etc associated with bible stories.
Make an altar in honour of Our Lady.
Make a special place for Bible to be displayed.
Do: Role-play Bible stories.
Stained glass windows.
Make playdough Rosary.
Laminated mats.

Exemplar narrative 3:
St. Mary's, Caldercruix
Introduce the children to the Bible
Relate to Jesus - Old Testament - before Jesus was born
- New Testament - from Angel Gabriel appearing to Mary
Read some stories to the Children.
Creation, Adam and Eve etc. Nativity (Children's Bible)
Have lots of discussions of stories read.
Tell the Children how precious the Bible is and encourage them to carry it carefully and place it on the altar.
Tell them that the stories show us how God wants us to live.
Many - using our statue as a starter for discussions tell the children how special she is:
- Jesus Mother
- Our Lady
- Our Mother
Relate her to our school - St. Mary's
" " to Hail Mary
Our Lady Hymns.
Celebrate her Birthday - 8th September by going to Mass and having a school celebration.
Writing Lesson - Our Lady.
Children were extremely interested in Our Lady. Using my statue and images was valuable as children of this age find it difficult to imagine so having an image there at all times helps. They all know the 'Hail Mary' and this can be heard during our daily Rosary. The children enjoy listening to stories from the Bible and I'm delighted we now have suitable versions for the Children.