P1 - Belonging
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by St Andrew's cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P1 Belonging short version (click to open)
P1 Belonging long version (click to open)

Exemplar narrative 1:
St Mary’s, Coatbridge:
We started by discussing the name of our school (St Mary’s) and who our patron saint is. Through the use of the internet and books about Saints, we found out what our patron saint looked like, why they were special and we looked at the special prayers we say to them. We learned the first verse and chorus of one of their hymns which we would sing at the end of our prayer times. We established that our school is our own community and that we pray to our patron saint to watch over us and to take care of everyone in our school community.
We took a walk around the school building and grounds to see all the people who belonged to our school community. Through discussion, children told of their perception of each person’s role. In pairs, the children then took photographs of each person and interviewed them about their role within our school’s community. Each pair reported back to the class about their findings. We displayed these in the class. Through this we realise that we are all one family and that this family is only a small part of God’s big family and the family of the church.
The children made their own prayers thanking God for each of these people and for all the things that they do in our Catholic community. They asked God and our school’s patron saint to watch over them. The children‘s prayers were read out as part of our conclusion to prayer times, and in the infant assemblies we thanked God for giving us these people to help us.
From here we looked at our parish. We visited the church and met our parish priests and deacons. They told us their roles and how they helped the people of the parish and how they look after our school community. We discussed the events we celebrate in the church (Mass, Baptism, Reconciliation, First Communion, Confirmation, funerals) and how each of these sees us all coming together as a community and praying together as part of God’s family. The parish priest showed the children his vestments and told them how each vestment is worn for different celebrations.
Through role play and mime activities, the children developed a greater understanding of each of these roles.
Resources used:
The Children's Book of Saints by Louis M. Savary
A Child’s book of Saints by Christopher Doyle and Maria Cristina Lo Cascio
Hymns to Mary
Hail Mary

Exemplar narrative 2:
Coatbridge Cluster Meeting - Primary One Group
Week 1 - My Family (RERC0-02a, 0-03a)
- Discuss childrens own family, differences in families, how we all have a family, different roles in family, etc.
- Introduce the 'Holy Family' - relate to Christmas story, 'finding in the Temple' and Jesus in Joseph's carpenters workshop. (Bible stories)
- How our family cares for us and how we care for them.
- Praise and thank God for our families (prayers, pictures, family tree, portraits.)
Week 2 - My School (RERC 0-08a,0-02a, 0-03a)
- Discuss our school, patron, badge, motto, colours etc.
- Discuss how our uniform shows "we belong" to school.
- Design a hat/flagto compliment our school uniform.
- 'People who help us in our school' - role of each person and how they help us - i.e. janitor, secretary, nurse, headteacher etc.
- Frieze of 'people who help us in school' with captions and blurb e.g. "I cook the lunch"; "I clean the school".
- My role in school community.
Week 3 - The Church - God's Family (RERC 0-02a, 0-03a)
- Visit to the Church - priest meets children and shows them around - discuss names in church - e.g Altar, Tabernacle, Crucifix, Paschal candle.
- Discuss appropriate behaviour in Church - Respect.
- Discuss how we all belong to God's family - How we became a member of God's family - the Church - in a special way through baptism.
- Bring Baptismal photos.
- Make Baptismal display.
Week 4 - The Community (People who help us) (RERC 0-02a, 0-03a)
- Identify people in our local community who help us e.g. lollipo person, police, doctors, dentist, shopkeeper.
-Frieze/display - of people in community who help us.
- Make tree of people who we belong to - ie family, school, church, community.
- Praise and thank God for all these people "we belong to".
- Meditation/Prayer thanking God for 'Belonging'.
- Prayer Service thanking God for 'Belonging'

Assessment Ideas: 1
Write: P1's Cannot write in the first term.
Say: Discussion and appropriate questions - where we belong, who belongs in various places.
Make: A street frieze of their Home, School, Church.
Select from different pictures.
Which Things/Buildings/Clubs they belong to; and justify, why?
Child draws self and places on buildings.
Do: Visit to Church - children could identify various features inside Church e.g. crucifix, tabernacle etc after learning from virtual church website.
Assessment Ideas: 2
Write: Thanking God for their families/school/community.
Quote to go with pictures.
Thank you letter to visitors.
Say: Discuss differences in family life.
Discuss Holy Family and Christmas story.
Discuss appropriate behaviour at Church.
Make: Draw your family.
Collage of family life/tree.
Design a hat.
Frieze school/family/community.
Do: Reinacting Christmas story.
Research school info.
Visit Church.
Practise genuflecting.
Bring in Baptismal pictures/candle.
Prayer Service.