P1 - Creation
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by St Andrew's cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P1 Creation short version (click to open)
P1 Creation long version (click to open)

Exemplar narrative 1: Spring
St Bernard’s, Coatbridge: Spring
- We are learning about the wonder of God’s creation. We do this by focusing on the season of Spring. We discuss how it is now the month of March, and elicit from children what changes they are aware of in the world around them – i.e. a bit lighter in the mornings, staying lighter for longer in the evenings, getting a bit warmer etc.
- After a ‘walk and talk’ around the school grounds and surrounding area, we elicit what other changes they can see in the world around them e.g. snowdrops, crocuses, daffodils etc starting to sprout; buds beginning to appear on trees and bushes etc. We thank God for Hiswonderful creation.
- Children are encouraged to look around their own gardens or a relatives garden for signs of spring (new shoots, buds, grass growing etc). Children collect ‘Signs of Spring’ and make a display of God’s wonderful creation – ie spring flowers, twigs with buds etc. Start to make a ‘Spring’ frieze on RE wall. We praise God for the beauty of springtime.
This leads into discussion of ‘new life’ in springtime. Elicit from children that as well as new flowers, plants, buds etc – ‘new’ baby animals and birds are born in springtime – ie birds building nests, laying eggs, baby birds, chicks etc hatching. Lambs, calves, foals etc being born in farms. We thank God for new life.
- Retell story of ‘Harry the hedgehog’ (Alive-O Teacher’s Book) who went into hibernation in Autumn. Lead children to an understanding of how in Springtime the animals who have been hibernating all through the long, cold, dark winter will be coming out at hibernation and looking for food.
- We praise and thank God for the wonders of Creation we see so clearly in Springtime.
- Lead children to an understanding of how the cycle and rhythm of the four seasons is at the heart of God’s creation – that God is the Creator who made and sustains all life.
- Children make up prayers thanking and praising God for the gifts of the seasons, weather, plants, and animals all of which we see so clearly in springtime.
- Children praise God for the wonder of creation by praying a simple version of psalms.
- Children sing hymns praising God and showing our love for him and the beautiful natural world he has created for us to enjoy and care for.
- Pupils prepare for a Prayer Service to which their families are invited where they say prayers, read psalms, hear readings and sing hymns praising God for the love he has shown us by making and giving us all the beautiful things in Creation.
Resource 1: Powerpoint presentation to praise God for the gift of creation, using a format similar to a responsorial psalm: (St Benedict's, Easterhouse)

This clever mind map was produced by the working group for Autumn, and is reproduced in its original form
![]() And God made...P1, Sacred Heart Bellshill | ![]() Autumn hedgehog, St Bridgid's Newmains |

Exemplar 3 - St Aidan's Cluster Meeting - Primary 1 Group
- Using senses to explore the garden.
- Winter walk in the garden (take photos) make drawings etc. If snowing make snowmen
- Look at the patterns when the ice breaks.
- Making bird-feeders.
- Winter songs from the Alive O/Carols.
- Winter art-work - snowflakes/snowmen etc.
- Advent - calendar/wreath/story.
- Advent assembly
- Write prayers of Praise/Thanks for 'winter'.
- links to "One Snowy Night - Percy Story".
- Winters place in the circle of life.
- Drama - getting dressed for winter.
- Nativity story - Bible.
Write - A senses poem
- Instructions to make a bird feeder
- Prayer of thanks
- Record the weather of winter.
Say - What you can hear, fell, see and smell in the garden
- Discuss God's gift of winter
- Describe how winter makes you feel
- Discuss looking after God's creatures during winter
- I can describe the weather/tress during winter.
Make - Collage of winter photos
- A snowflake and reflect upon it's beauty and uniqueness
- Compare with unique people
- Bird feeder.
Do - Place and watch your birdfeeder
- Take photographs
- Sing winter songs/carols
- Choose a winter song to show thanks for God's gift on winter
- Sequence the Advent story
- Praise and thank God through prayer and meditation.