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P1 - Eastertide

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by St Andrew's cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P1 Eastertide short version (click to open)
P1 Eastertide long version (click to open)


Colouring, cutting out and sequencing the events of Holy Week, P1 St Gerard's, Bellshill

Exemplar narrative 1:

Holy Cross learning community meeting working group

Teach about the Passion of Christ, the Last Supper and crucifixion (Editor: leading on from Lent/Holy Week) 

Possible Easter activities:  

-          decorate stones to represent the stone at the tomb
-          rolling eggs to show the stone being rolled away
-          discussing new life – lambs, chicks, spring, renewal of life
-          Easter songs e.g. “New Life”
-          Easter assembly – dramatisation of the Easter story
-          Easter bonnet parade
-          Out of the ark – Easter songs

Teach relationship between Christmas and Easter – birth and death, beginnings and endings, preparation times (Advent – Christmas/ Lent – Easter)

Prayerful reflection – meditative prayer

This is Our Faith display, St Bride's, Bothwell

Exemplar narative 2:

Trinity learning community meeting working group

Discuss the sequence of events during Holy Week - sequence and label activity:

Picture 1:  
- dramatise the Last Supper
- children illustrate the Last Supper

Picture 2:
- dramatise the events of the Garden of Gethsemane and Jesus being taken away and put on the cross
- children illustrate the crucifixion

Picture 3:
- dramatise Jesus being put in the tomb
- children illustrate the soldiers guarding the tomb

Picture 4:
- dramatise the Resurrection
- illustrate the Risen Jesus

Discuss the symbolism of Easter eggs
- design an egg
- roll the eggs

Hymn - Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the Risen Lord

Assessment Ideas:
 A class prayer - Easter promise.
            Sequencing the stations (4?)
Say:    Easter prayer - film.
            Explain the reason for Easter eggs.
            Re-tell Easter story.
Make:  Decorate a Cross. 
            Decorate eggs.
            Make a card.
            Make a picture of stone rolling.
Do:      Hold the Last Supper - recreate.
            Role play - Garden of Gethsemane.
            Visit to Church to view Stations of the Cross.
            Prepare a special class area.

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