P1 - Lent
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by St Andrew's cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P1 Lent short version (click to open)
P1 Lent long version (click to open)

Exemplar narrative 1:
St Margaret's cluster meeting group
Lent – explaining 40 days of Lent preparing for Easter
- fasting
- Lenten charities
Ash Wednesday – explain where ashes came from and help us to come closer to Jesus
Lenten promises – service – handprints/Lenten tree/Stones in Wilderness
- discuss times when we don’t show love and relate to Lenten promise
Good Friday/Easter Sunday – infant Stations of the Cross; attending Stations of the Cross/Easter tableaux performed by senior classes

Exemplar narrative 2:
St Barbara's, Muirhead and St Michael's Moodiesburn
Day 1: Check prior knowledge of Christmas stroy through questioning and discussion.
Check children's knowledge of Easter and what it means to them.
Introduction to the Easter story through texts. websites (e.g. www.refuel.org.uk ), pictures, discussion about journeys, doing good deeds or helping others in class or at home.
Day 2: Talk about feelings of Jesus in the desert - links to children's feelings of being alone, sad, frightened
Writing - I felt alone when...
I felt sad when...
Pictures of Jesus in the desert
Day 3: Discuss Palm Sunday and Jesus returning to crowds celebrating
Talk about celebrations - Pupils bring in photos of celebrations
Plate - celebratory food
Colouring picture - Last Supper
First Mass - Breaking of bread - sharing with disciples
Day 4: Talk about Jesus loving us so much that he died on the cross for us, so that he could open up the gates of heaven for us
Talk about pupils giving up or doing something kind for others and teacher write this on a footprint around class - "footsteps to heaven/God"
Day 5: Link significance of Easter eggs/stone at tomb entrance rolling away and Jesus rising from the dead. Prayer service/candle/music
(Editor note: these ideas go beyond the core learning and possibly timescale allocated to Lent P1, and ideas could be used also at other stages)
![]() Colouring, cutting out and sequencing the events of Holy Week, P1 St Gerard's, Bellshill | ![]() Lenten promise candles display, OLGA Cathedral Primary Motherwell |
![]() Footsteps through Lent, P1 Sacred Heart Bellshill | ![]() Lenten promise candles display, OLGA Cathedral Primary Motherwell |