P1 - Mary
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by St Andrew's cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P1 Mary short version (click to open)
P1 Mary long version (click to open)

Exemplar narrative 1:
St Mary’s, Coatbridge:
We started by discussing the names of our mums and the types of things that they do for us. The children were shown a picture of the Baby Jesus in the manger. They could tell me who He was and how they knew this. The children were then asked if they knew the name of his mum and they all knew that she was called Mary. Over the next few days the children brought in pictures of themselves with their mums. We displayed these with a picture of Mary with Jesus in the middle.
When we spoke about Mary being our Mother, we recalled who Mary was and what her role in the plan of God - that Mary was the mother of Jesus. When Jesus was on the cross, Mary and one of his disciples were there and He said to her to look after him. So Mary looked after him and she helped the other disciples the way our mothers look after us. Mary wants to be our mother too and we can ask for her help, just as we would ask our own mother’s for help.
Resources used:
http://bibleforchildren.org/languages/english/stories.php (number 36)

Exemplar narrative 2:
John Ogilvie cluster meeting P1 group
October (1 week):
Introduce the figure of Mary
Create an altar in class: children could make flowers
Introduce idea of Mary as mother of us all - link to us being part of a wider family of church/home/school, and belonging together
Advent (1 week):
Introduce nativity story (may be going on in school in many ways) link Angel Gabriel's visit to Mary with the introduction of learning the Hail Mary here...continue throughout the year
Lots of opportunities for art e.g. making puppets, drama, role play of nativity
May (1 week):
A special month of Our Lady:
the altar could be enhanced
learn hymns in honour of Mary together
lovely display opportunity for P1