P1 - Values
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by St Andrew's cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P1 Values short version (click to open)
P1 Values long version (click to open)

Exemplar narrative 1:
Trinity learning community meeting P1 group
- Introduce values of being kind to others through the telling of fairy stories e.g. the Ugly Duckling, Elmer, Dumbo
- children identify the Christian values within the story
- discuss differences which make us special
- embrace diversity in our cultures and discuss our individuality and uniqueness
- children create finger print paintings and investigate how each finger print is different
- introduce the story of the new boy/girl who will be joining their class
- discuss what they can do to make this person feel welcome
- create a kindness chant which the children manage and vote for
- children role play a bullying situation and examine their feelings
- tell bible stories which relate to these values e.g. Zacchaeus, the Good Samaritan, the Lost Sheep
- Hymn: We are the greatest (Alive-O)

Exemplar narrative:2
Cardinal Newman Cluster
- RERC 0-21a - 'Growing Pains' stories
- 'Golden Rules' stories
- PATHS programme /circle time
- Social stories - The Good Shepherd
- Noah's Ark
- The Box of Feelings
-RERC 0-21a - set a 'Daily Challenge'
e.g. Share a toy today - if successful give a certificate. Give a
challenge to take home.
- Draw pictures of people sharing/ caring. Also act
out scenarios.
- Compliments list
- Education for Love - 'Families'
-RERC 0-21a - Reflection/prayer sessions -meditation
Write: - Picture - Golden Rule match activity
- I feel sad when...
- What the value means
- A time they showed a value
Say: - To say and explain what the Golden Rule is
- I feel happy when...
- Circle time - Sharing a time when shown friendship, caring and love
Make - PATHS - Make a feelings book - Facial expressions
- Friendship bracelets
- Friendship chart/display
Do - To follow the Golden Rules within the class/school
- Child makes facial expression of a feeling
- Good shepherd - Follow the leader - Do a kind act to a friend, then next child etc.
- Observation of the children demonstrating values (golden rules)
- Daily challenge
- Act out scenarios.