P2 - Beginning of School Year
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by St Aidan's cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P2 Beginning short version (click to open)
P2 Beginning long version (click to open)
A cross-curricular scriptural exemplar based on Moses, written by Julie Neil as part of a Farmington Fellowship, can be downloaded here.
A fun quiz based on Moses and the Burning Bush, written by Julie Neil as part of a Farmington Fellowship, can be downloaded here.
A podcast about the Second Commandment: You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain can be heard below.

Exemplar narrative 1:
St Bernadette’s, Motherwell:
Week 1:
The children will be involved in selecting the ‘This is Our Faith’ area of the classroom.
Appropriate colours and decoration will reflect the time of the Liturgical year.
The Lion Bible for Children shall be introduced with candles lit and hands joined.
The children will be given the chance to view the Bible and we will discuss the kinds of stories found here. Prominent writers will be discussed.
Week 2.
‘The Baby in the Bulrushes’ story will be revised using the Bible and display. Children will complete written work in Cross Curricular jotters. Children will help to create a classroom display.
Week 3.
- ‘The Prince Becomes a Shepherd’ story will be shared throughhttp://www.bibleforchildren.org/languages/english/stories.php Illustrated presentation of bible stories
- ‘The Exodus’ story will be shared throughhttp://www.bibleforchildren.org/languages/english/stories.php Illustrated presentation of bible stories
- Teacher in-role will act out miracle parts of the story using props; wooden staff, coat, white glove, water
- In groups, children will create a ‘Feelings’ Mindmap illustrating how Moses might have felt when he heard the voice e.g. Scared, confused astonished
Week 4.
Children will role-play how they can live a specific commandment and how a child of their age might respond when faced with a moral choice.
Children will complete their own personal commandments and create 3 simple class commandments related to love God and my neighbour (Matthew 22: 34‐40)
Throughout the Block, opportunities will arise during Circle Time, Health and Wellbeing and during cooperative tasks to discuss that, if we hurt our friends’ feelings, we can say sorry and be forgiven and that mending a relationship can make it stronger.
And that loving my neighbour can sometimes be challenging but I can still try to show love and care in various ways and can be encouraged by Jesus’ example.
Prayers and hymns taught/revised during this block:
Our Father, Hail Mary, Grace before and after meals
School Hymn, Sing it in the Valleys, I will be with you (before Welcome Mass on 25th Aug)
A New Commandment ( to support understanding of Exodus)

Exemplar narrative 2:
St Margaret's cluster meeting P2 group
Involving the children in the setting up of the class altar – discussing the colours of the altar which changes in accordance to the liturgical year.
Include children in discussions with the Bible – special book
Children could bring in bible: discussion about where else we would see this
Read and discussion of the relevant bible stories ensuring children are clear in their understanding of the relevance
Expand on Moses: discuss the importance of the Commandments (relating to classroom rules)
Regularly discuss the disciples and their importance to the church.
Importance of saying sorry – to God and each other
![]() Jesus said, "Suffer the little children to come to me", P2 St Gerard's, Bellshill | ![]() Class commandments, P2 OLGA Cathedral Primary, Motherwell |
Assessment Ideas: 1
Write: Name the parts of the Bible.
Summary/reflection of Bible story.
Sequence Ten Commandments.
Research disciples.
Say: Reflect on rules/consequences.
Discussion about the liturgical calendar (colours).
Discuss the different parts of the Bible.
Discuss other faiths.
Participate in a discussion about Bible stories.
Make: Make a liturgical calendar.
Make a class Bible - continue throughout the year.
Class rules.
Do: Set up class altar.
Observe the importance and reverance of the Bible during Mass and in class.
Role play Bible story.
Assessment Ideas: 2
Write: Children should be able to record which liturgical season relates to that particular colour.
Say: To be able to identify the main religious artifacts of a class altar. Focus on Bible.
Make: Make e.g. paper flowers to decorate altar.
Do: Successful completion of this activity.
Assessment Ideas:
Write: Write a sentence about each member of their family. (RERC1-08a)
Simple recount/sequence of a Bible story. (RERC1-06a)
Re-tell a Bible story in the form of a news article (RERC1-06a)
Say: Re-tell a Bible story through drama. (RERC-06a)
Choose a member of family and tell two facts about them. (RERC1-08a)
Make: Make a personal family tree.
Make a family tree for the Holy Family. (RERC1 -05/08a)
Do: Draw a picture of family - and label. (RERC1-08a)
Compare/match/cut/stick - Christian and jewish symbols and artifacts. (RERC1-06a)
Match/label features found in the Church. (RERC1 -06a)
True/false cards to identify roles within family/wider parish family. (RERC1 - 08a)