P2 - Jesus' Family and Ours
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by St Aidan's cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P2 Jesus' Family and ours short version (click to open)
P2 Jesus' Family and ours long version (click to open)

Exemplar narrative 1:
St Aidan's cluster working group
Suggested experiences:
Families - Chat about families and who cares for them. How do families care for each other? Draw pictures of families showing they care. Display.
Discuss things families do together. Emphasise outings, parents showing children how to make and do things. Families worship and pray together.
Chat about setting up a little altar at home
Prayer Service Thank you God….God bless those who care for me.
Art - make a little thank you card for a family member.
Our school family - develop theme as above
Our community - family doctors dentists etc
God’s family - A community of faith. Display Church – label holy building
Inside church pictures of mass label We Celebrate together.
Add to display of church lots of little paths coming from it. On each path display an aspect of community life e.g children’s liturgy, priest. Eucharistic minister S.V.D.P music group
Special Celebrations:
Build up display by adding photographs of weddings christenings baptisms special masses bulletins etc God cares for us.
Prayer Service Thank you God for our parish family
Holy Family - Display pictures of the Holy Family Discuss how they cared for each other. Children could label a colouring picture of the Holy Family.
Prayer Service Bible Luke 2:39-40 Give each child a medal/prayer card of the Holy Family
Synagogue - Discuss the holy building where Jesus and his family worshipped and celebrated. Show a video or photographs of a synagogue. Discuss a little of Jesus’ upbringing. Bible Luke 4:16-22

Exemplar narrative 1:
St Andrew's and St Bride's cluster meeting group
Discuss members of family and people at home. Discuss differences and similarities. Draw pictures/Bring in pictures. (RERC1 08a)
Show artists impressions of the Holy Family and they draw their perception. Bible stories of Jesus, Mary and Joseph being together.(RERC1 05a)
Bible stories about Mary and Joseph in Nazareth. Introduces them to synagogue and other holy peoples teaching. Show different places of worship. (RERC1 06a)
Bible stories about Elizabeth, John the Baptist, and start to make links to the disciples. Sing the hymn 'follow me'. Show Last Supper picture to show all his friends and their commitment to him. (RERC1 06a)
Read scripture Luke 2:41-50 to show the Passover. Discuss their festivals and other world religious festivals too. (RERC1 06a)
Compare church to synagogue. Compare holy books, features of building, holy days, leaders and important people, traditions. Whole unit on Judaism. (RERC 06a)
Discuss experiences of church. What they see and experience. Take on a visit,if possible. Show pictures and help to name features. Observation (I spy) in the church. (RERC1 06a)
Discuss immediate family and wider family and the parish community. Discuss people they see in the parish (choir, musicians, readers, etc.) Bring in family pictures of events in/from church. Draw a picture of them in the middle, next circle immediate family, next circle wider family. (RERC1 08a)