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P2 - Lent

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by St Aidan's cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P2 Lent short version (click to open)
P2 Lent long version (click to open)

Class Wilderness, St Mark's Hamilton

Exemplar narrative 1:

Northern cluster P2 working group


- Setting the scene:  colour of purple on class altar/display.  A time of change, waiting, getting ready

- Ash Wednesday - attend service and discuss symbolism of ashes

- Fasting - sacrifice - almsgiving - renewal - forgiveness/reconciliation highlighted

- People to be prayer for - different types of prayer experiences offered to the children - display of people/groups to be prayed for.

- Bible stories regarding temptation and forgiveness - then share own experiences of temptation and forgiveness

Holy Week
- concept of Holy Week and especially Easter as a celebration - compare to Jesus' family celebration and own family celebration

- Palm Sunday - story and discussion - bring in palms from Sunday Mass (when not in school during Holy Week, can borrow in advance from local parish)
(Editor note: helpful clip about Palm Sunday and the significance of palms in Jesus' time t

- Holy Thursday - activities about Last Supper, the first Mass
(Editor note: useful 2-minute animation about Last Supper at

- Good Friday - sequence Stations of the Cross

Praying hands Lenten promises, P2 Sacred Heart Bellshill

Lenten tree of hope (detail), P2 St Ignatius', Wishaw

Lenten tree of hope, P2 St Ignatius', Wishaw

Colouring, cutting out and sequencing the events of Holy Week, P1/2 St Gerard's, Bellshill

Stations of the Cross box containing children's work, P2 St Gerard's Bellshill

Stations of the Cross work, P2 St Gerard's Bellshill

Lenten prayer space, P2 Sacred Heart Bellshill

Lenten promise pretzls, St Edward's, Airdrie

Exemplar narrative 2:

Trinity learning community meeting working group

Shrove Tuesday:
- make pancakes to use up sugar etc before Lent begins

Ash Wednesday:
- go to church and receive ashes
- Lenten promises
- introduce Missio and SCIAF

- promise tree
- liturgical calendar changing to purple

Visit to church:
- highlight Stations of the Cross
- Bible stories - Passover - Palm Sunday - chance to dramatise/art and crafts
(Editor note: helpful clip about Palm Sunday and the significance of palms in Jesus' time
(Editor note: useful 2-minute animation about Last Supper

- highlight the importance of saying sorry
- how we can say sprry - ways of showing (personal prayers)

Teacher's own resources:
- colouring book
- Alive-O teacher's book

Hymn: My soul is sad
Prayer service and examination of conscience

Mass in school (before school once a week?)

Exemplar narrative 3:

Holy Cross cluster meeting working group

-          Changing altar/display – liturgical colours

-          Shrove Tuesday: preparation for fasting and abstinence

-          Significance of Ash Wednesday – where ashes come from (Editor note: palms from previous                   year’s Palm Sunday burned)

-          Lenten promises – Promise Tree for display – review at the end of Lent

-          Good deeds jar – choose a good deed per day (ideas coming from children)

-          Fundraising for charity – whole school

-          Scripture –

  • Jesus at Last Supper

  • Jesus forgiving Peter – idea of forgiveness and reconciliation

-          Reconciliation service and examination of conscience

-        Stations of the Cross: images/meditation/prayer service (acting out the Stations – photographing           each stage for display); use Stations of the Cross at  Lourdes as pictorial representation

-       Share a meal with the pupils e.g. lunch on Holy Thursday –emphasise Last Supper/important                  meal with friends

-          Set family homework tasks – good deeds/learn a hymn/photos of a special meal

Assessment ideas: 

Can write personal Lenten promise for tree and reflect on how to achieve this.
Story sequencing of Jesus at the Last Supper
Discuss a time when they were forgiven, as Jesus forgave Peter
Can contribute to discussion of significance of Ash Wednesday
Make promise tree
Make pancakes for Shrove Tuesday
Make own Stations of the Cross
Modelling Stations e.g. with playdo
Change altar/display to correct colour and explain to other pupils
Display for Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras exploring history
Contribute ideas and involve in fundraising and share info with whole school

Exemplar narrative 4:

St. Ambrose cluster

1-18a - Discuss importance of colours - uniforms
- Use Liturgical Calendar to highlight colours.
- Allow children to change the class altar.

- Primary Resources Power Point (Editor note: SCES?) - Ash Wednesday

- Write down Lenten promise - display around class

- Carry Lenten Stones around (decorated by child) to show struggle and burden initially 
   then commitment and reward.

- "I am the vine, you are the branches" scripture class display - children branches - 
   grapes=recognition of God in others.

- Class Masses for additional prayer and almsgiving.

- Stations of the Cross - treasure chest.

- Lenten Charities - Sciaf - MIssio - Mary's Meals.

- Class Last Supper

- Bible Stories - Drama

- Watch different clips of various nationalities celebrating Easter.

- Visit a different Church to celebrate Mass and highlight similarities etc.

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