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P2 - New Birth

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by St Aidan's cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P2 New Birth short version (click to open)
P2 New Birth long version (click to open)

A helpful powerpoint document about Baptism, written by Julie Neil and Anthony Hutchieson as part of a Farmington Fellowship, can be downloaded here, and an accompanying matching flashcard activity can be downloaded here.


Click below to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about the Symbols of Baptism

Symbols of Baptism - RCDOM RE
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Church tour display, Christ the King Holytown

Exemplar narrative 1:

St Aidan's cluster working group

Perhaps deliver in spring term

  • Revise Christmas story 

Discuss preparations made by Mary and Joseph Discuss Mary’s visit to her cousin ElizabethDiscuss the journey to Bethlehem 


  • Discuss preparations we would make for a new baby

Emphasise – a joyful time Excitement of waitingDesign a poster -items a new baby may need-family waiting


  • Choosing a name - Who choose theirs? Is it after a relative or saint? Home link

Design a nameplate for display.Song I have a name Alive O P.1


  • Discuss Baptism Special name  God’s Family

Home link Discuss and display baptismal photographs of childrenPrayer Service I am part of God’s family He knows my name If possible children bring in baptismal candle or alternatively tea    lights one for each child 


  • Symbols Of Baptism Show a video of Baptism (pupil’s ) or Alive O 4

Visit church –photographs-chat with priestClass display - discuss and label: Baptismal name-certificate Baptismal candle (actual or photograph) Pascal candle photograph Holy water (photograph) Journey of Faith-link to Mary and Joseph’s journey (Sacramental Journey) Family of God     photographs of church /congregation White garment   display one Holy oil photograph Baptismal font photograph


  • Prayer service   Light candles Bible Matthew 3 :16-17

     Baptism of Jesus   Son of God     God calls us by our name


  • Prayer Service       Bible Isaiah 43:1-3

          Discuss importance of names  suggests relationship  shows God’s love for themTeacher blesses each child   God saysChild’s name I have called you by your name you are mineadd the words I have called you by your name you are mine to class displayHymn Do not be afraid


  • Sacraments - discuss meaning with children.  Chat about family who have received other sacraments. When? Revisit idea of Journey of Faith.

Jesus' Baptism, St Hilary's East Kilbride

I Have Called you by Name Baptism display, St Mark's Hamilton

Exemplar narrative 2:

Coatbridge Cluster Meeting - Primary 2 Group

- RERC1 02a - Discussion about new babies, parents.

- RERC1 09a - Picking a name, make a card saying how you got your name with picture from Baptism or when a baby.

RERC1 04a - Sequencing (cut and stick); recount story, drama - freeze frames.

RERC1 05a - How to care for a baby/What babies need/New mother in community brings baby in for discussion/Hot Seat/Recount story of Elizabeth.

RERC1 09a - Visit to Church(show oil etc), Powerpoint explaining digfferent symbols.  Pupils bring in objects and talk about them; labelling/cut and stick activities/report back about them.

- Looking after each other/taking responsibility for being God's cherished children.

*Baptism taught through Katie Morag - welcoming a new baby.*  

Parts of the church colouring and labelling, OLGA Cathedral primary, Motherwell
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