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P2 - The Mass

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by St Aidan's cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P2 Mass short version (click to open)
P2 Mass long version (click to open)


Church tour display, Christ the King Holytown

Exemplar narrative 1:

John Ogilvie cluster group:

Suggested activities:

- Visit to the local church (identify altar, holy water font etc).  

- Before visit to churh discuss how we show respect and reverence in God's house: blessing themselves, genuflecting, kneeling in prayer)
(Editor note: useful website:  Tips for kids on visiting church at the bottom of the page.)

- Drawing inside of the church (pupils label identifying altar, holy water font etc) 
(Editor note: useful website: Click on a cartoon version of a church for information about parts of the church (altar, tabernacle etc) 

- Teach simple Mass responses as per the core learning (Thanks be to God, Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ etc) and discuss how the Gospel is the Word of God.

Assessment ideas:
     Write 3 things you saw when you visited the church
Say:        Discuss the things you saw in church (working in 3s)
                Say Mass responses
Make:      Make a book of prayers
                Draw a picture of bible stories
Do:          Draw and label the inside of a church
                Act out bible stories

Church visit display, Christ the King Holytown

Church visit display (detail), Christ the King Holytown

Church visit, St Bernadette's Motherwell

Parts of the church colouring and labelling, OLGA Cathedral primary, Motherwell

Exemplar narrative 2:

Cardinal Newman Cluster

- Visit to Church/ First Friday visits

-Practise Mass responses

-Practise Mass postures

-Discuss/learn importance of attending weekly Mass

-Understanding of daily Mass in parishes

-Bible stories - Jesus in the Temple.

-Art ideas - making different parts of the Church
                - labelling different parts - Cut and stick activity
                - large church picture with flashcards

-P2 leading a Mass/organising a class Mass

-Roles in Mass -Talks given by Eucharistic Ministries
                       - Readers
                       - Altar Servers

-Priest getting ready in front of children - explaining the vestments

Write - Story board of Jesus in the Temple OR sequence story/recount story
         - Table of roles in Mass - Who does them and what they do
         - Devise own prayers.

Say - Correct Mass responses
       - Purpose of Sunday and daily Masses
       - Prayers at Mass (peer assessment).

Make - Wall display of parts of a church
          - 30 models of parts of the church using clay, plasticine, junk or lego
          - Sequencing activity, eg; B.M.E displaying children's understanding of Bible 
          - Make a Bible stand. 

Do - Drama activities in class for Mass and responses and postures
      - Lead a class/school Mass
      - Cut and stick vestments and labels. 
      - Act out Bible stories using drama conventions
      - Participiate in meditation
      - Changing the alter liturgical calender.

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