P3 - Relationships
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Taylor and Northern cluster groups/working groups and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P3 Relationships short version (click to open)
P3 Relationships long version (click to open)
Click to hear a podcast about the Fourth Commandment: Honour your father and your mother
(may take a short while to load)
Click to hear a podcast about the Seventh Commandment: You shall not steal
(may take a short while to load)

Exemplar narrative 1:
Taylor High cluster working group
Planned activities:
A role play drama involving a place a race in the playground where one child falls and is hurt. Pause the role play and ask the children ‘what would you do?’
Pose the dilemma - do you stop and help? Why? Why not?
Read the story of The Good Samaritan. Discuss who had a choice in the story and what choices did they make. Link back to the original choices from the role play.
(Editor note: good animation of the Good Samaritan parable athttp://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/the-good-samaritan/4445.html, and a funny puppet theatre retelling of the Good Samaritan at http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/the-good-samaritan/4445.html)
Closing thought – we are free to choose, this is a gift from God because He loves us.
- Brainstorm who helps us to make good choices (e.g. Parents, teachers). Lead on to the Forth Commandment: Honour your father and thy mother. Discuss examples of how parents guide us and how this is for our own good.
Closing thought – we should be thankful to God for our parents.
- A role play drama as above, this time involving an incident of theft. Lead on to Seventh Commandment: You shall not steal. Discuss respect for people and property whether you know them or not.
Closing thought – reflection asking God to guide us.
![]() All in God's family, P3 St Ignatius', Wishaw | ![]() Good Samaritan, OLGA Cathedral Primary Motherwell |
![]() Good Samaritan, OLGA Cathedral Primary Motherwell | ![]() Our Class Family, P3 St Monica's, Coatbridge |
![]() Friendship fish, St Hilary's, East Kilbride |