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P3 - Relationships

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Taylor and Northern cluster groups/working groups and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P3 Relationships short version (click to open)
P3 Relationships long version (click to open)

Click to hear a podcast about the Fourth Commandment: Honour your father and your mother

(may take a short while to load)
Click to hear a podcast about the Seventh Commandment: You shall not steal 

(may take a short while to load)


Exemplar narrative 1:

Taylor High cluster working group

Planned activities:

A role play drama involving a place a race in the playground where one child falls and is hurt.  Pause the role play and ask the children ‘what would you do?’

Pose the dilemma - do you stop and help? Why? Why not?

Read the story of The Good Samaritan.  Discuss who had a choice in the story and what choices did they make.  Link back to the original choices from the role play. 
(Editor note: good animation of the Good Samaritan parable at, and a funny puppet theatre retelling of the Good Samaritan at

Closing thought – we are free to choose, this is a gift from God because He loves us.

-          Brainstorm who helps us to make good choices (e.g. Parents, teachers).  Lead on to the Forth Commandment: Honour your father and thy mother.  Discuss examples of how parents guide us and how this is for our own good.

Closing thought – we should be thankful to God for our parents.  

-          A role play drama as above, this time involving an incident of theft.  Lead on to Seventh Commandment:  You shall not steal.  Discuss respect for people and property whether you know them or not.  

Closing thought – reflection asking God to guide us. 

All in God's family, P3 St Ignatius', Wishaw

Good Samaritan, OLGA Cathedral Primary Motherwell

Good Samaritan, OLGA Cathedral Primary Motherwell

Our Class Family, P3 St Monica's, Coatbridge

Friendship fish, St Hilary's, East Kilbride

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