P3 - Advent
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Taylor and Northern cluster groups/working groups and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P3 Advent short version (click to open)
P3 Advent long version (click to open)

Exemplar narrative 1:
Trinity learning community meeting working group
Children traced round their hands for prayerful creation of Advent wreath. Children write a prayer focusing on preparing themselves for Advent. Discussion includes the power of prayer and community.
Advent wreath displayed in the class with candles borrowed from church and a daily prayer service.
Creation of purple vestments to signify Advent and its importance in the Liturgical calendar.
Important figures discussed and taught through the Nativity play and this was performed in school and with local community groups like care homes. Children learned and discussed carols and sang them at supermarkets to raise money for charity.
Design Advent calendars and behind the windows were a combination of good deeds, prayers and teaching about important figures like Joseph, King Herod Simeon and Anna.
Creation of cribs using lollipop sticks and clay models of Jesus. Prayer opportunities provided at main school crib also.
'Holy Joe' Nativity play which provided a deep understanding of the character of Joseph and demonstrated how he followed the teachings of God. We then compared this to King Herod.
Good Angel/Bad Angel drama convention of Joseph and King Herod.
(Editor note: small gap here regarding Simeon and Anna. Cf useful 2-min animation about Simeon at http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/the-story-of-simeon-in-the-temple/4977.html)
Assessment ideas:
Write: Write an Advent promise
Create a story board of the Nativity
Write a script for a bible story
Say: Explain the symbolism of the Advent wreath
Learn and sing carols
Pray the Rosary independently
Make: Make an Advent wreath
Make an Advent hamper for people in need
Create a card for Mary
Do: Do a performance of the Nativity story
Dramatise a Bible story

Exemplar narrative 2:
Holy Cross cluster meeting working group
Week 1:
- Introduction of liturgical colour for Advent
- Pupils rearrange altar colour
- Pupils change dials on their liturgical wheels
- Advent wreath put on the class altar/discussed/candles/colours
- Introduce empty crib scene
Week 2:
- Drama to introduce Mary and Angel Gabriel (RERC 1-15a)
- Joseph/Herod comparison
- Continue to revisit wreath/candles/crib
- Discussions daily from the advent calendar
- Involvement in school nativity play
Week 3:
- Revisiting the crib/altar/wreath/candles/calendar
- Carol services in wider community (RERC 1-24a)
- powerpoint explaining other religious festivals
- how Christmas is celebrated in different countries with differing traditions
(Editor note 1: gaps here regarding Simeon and Anna, and Herod and Joseph, who are the main characters of P3 Advent. Perhaps some discussion/activities on these in relation to the nativity play?)
Editor note 2: useful 2-min animation about Simeon at http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/the-story-of-simeon-in-the-temple/4977.html)
Assessment ideas:
Re-tell Advent story from different viewpoints e.g. Joseph, Simeon.
Storyboard of relevant main events of birth of Jesus.
Write newspaper article about Jesus' birth.
Hot-seating - I was there - e.g. Joseph, angel.
Contribute to discussion on journeys, preparations, celebrations.
Interview and question (in role as journalist) the main characters of the Christmas story: create their own questions and responses.
Talk about visit to the church.
What can they tell about liturgical colours?
Sequence Advent events
Baby collage
Help to create crib/advent wreath/fairtrade calendar
Thank you card for Mary saying yes to God.
Advent wreath showing candle colours and meaning
Matching/sequencing pictures of Christmas story with simple sentences (can then uplevel sentences for able pupils).