P3 - God's Beautiful Creation
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Taylor and Northern cluster groups/working groups and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P3 Creation short version (click to open)
P3 Creation long version (click to open)
Click here for a podcast, aimed at teachers, about how God creates in Genesis 1-2
Click here for Guided meditation: The lilies of the field Matthew 6: 25-34 and Luke 12: 22-31

Exemplar narrative 1:
St. Mary's, Caldercruix
-Read the story of creation, explain that we are made in God's image.
-Life is so precious - Link to the sick (children should be greatful for their health)
-Read and learn about St. Francis (identify all aspects of his life) - video
- Respect nature/appreciate the world around us (take children out into their
local environment).
- Canticle of the creatures - How does our environment help us to live.
Children responded well to this theme as they enjoyed learning about St. Francis. This theme gave me the opportunity to do outdoor learning as the children went out into our playground to look at nature. This also linked well to CFE and the eco committee. Children were given the opportunity to be creative which they took full advantage of while creating leaflets (eco friendly). Children gained respect for nature during this topic.
l creation

Exemplar narrative 2:
St Michael’s, Moodiesburn/St Rose of Lima, Craigend
We listened to and read a story of the life of St. Francis of Assisi and in our co-operative learning groups we made a placemat outlining our new knowledge. We shared these with our class. During our language time we wrote comic strips to depict the main aspects of his life. We listened to and re-enacted the story of St. Francis and the wolf. We visited our Eco Garden to appreciate at first hand the Beauty of God’s Creation. We reflected on the work of our Eco Council in their endeavour to respect and wonder at God’s Creation. After looking at the prayer of St. Francis, we wrote our own prayers to give thanks to God for His Creation and for the wonder of our being. We listened to and sang the hymn to St. Francis of Assisi. We designed our own San Damiano Cross and we learned about the Tau, the Franciscan Symbol. During a prayer service pupils heard prayers and readings, especially Genesis 1:26-27, which helped them to begin to think about how God loves us so much that he made and gave us all of the beautiful things in creation.
Resources used:
- http://www.euroclubschools.co.uk/page52.htm Life of St Francis of Assisi
- http://www.euroclubschools.co.uk/page55.htm The Wolf of Gubbio story
- Hymn: Make me a channel of your peace
- P3 scripture powerpoint
- CTS Life of St Francis suitable for age 7 and up £2.95

Exemplar narrative 2:
St. Ambrose cluster
-Take children on a walk of local area - point out features.
-Link to Eco work - what we can do to keep God's world beautiful.
-Display of St. Francis - the patron saint of ecology.
-The story of St. Francis - powerpoint.
-DVD - cartoon
-Music, drama, presentations (Editor note: based particularly on the Canticle of the Creatures).
-Bible bus- from Our Lady and the Missions (East Renfrewshire) (Editor note: I think it's this http://www.bibleworld.co.uk/bibleworld-mobile.html )
- Life cycle - mini beasts
-Spring displays - God's beautiful world
- 1-02a Link in to topic - All about me.
- Alive-O song "We are the Greatest"
- Alive-O 1/2/3 - The senses, All about me.
(Editor note: This exemplar would be completed simply by engaging with Genesis 1: 11-13&20-25 [diversity of creation], and Genesis 1: 26-27 [creation of man and woman])