P3 - Hand in Hand

'Hand in Hand'
The Religious Education Department of the Archdiocese of Glasgow have produced an exciting new resource called 'Hand in Hand'. It is designed for use with parents whose children are preparing for the sacraments. Please click here to read the article in Flourish.
The book contains three Sessions for parents for each of the three sacraments children normally celebrate during their school years, namely First Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Communion (the Archdiocese of Glasgow celebrates Confirmation in P4, but the materials are still relevant to Motherwell). In addition, Scripture texts, suggestions for "Take-Home" materials and home practices are offered as well as notes on the background of each sacrament and suggestions for Catechists or those leading the Sessions.
As well as the book, the Glasgow RE Department now has available support materials to share with parents, including pocket-size prayer cards with both traditional and contemporary family prayers, and a "Home Altar" card for setting up a "Sacred Space" in the home during these special times of preparation for sacraments.
If you require more information about 'Hand in Hand' please contact the Archdiocese of Glasgow R. E. Department on 0141 226 5898 or email RE@rcag.org.uk