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P3 - Lent

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Taylor and Northern cluster groups/working groups and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P3 Lent short version (click to open)
P3 Lent long version (click to open)


Click here to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about Joseph and his brothers


Exemplar narrative 1:

Northern cluster working group

Planned activities:


-          preparing class altar in Liturgical colour– Purple cloth, vestments, interactive picture of Priest with different vestments to change.

-          Ash Wednesday – discussion of the meaning of the symbol of ashes before children will go to Mass and receive ashes on their forehead as a sign of the beginning of Lent.

-          Prayer book/ box with names, pictures or writing of people in need of our prayer e.g. family and friends

-          Footprints to God – pupils are encouraged to do a good deed for another pupil and this is written onto a footprint to make a pathway to God.

-          Fasting & Almsgiving (community work e.g. helping to maintain church grounds, donating groceries to the elderly and International aid – collecting for SCIAF, Mary’s meals, Lepra.

-          Read Biblical stories related to temptation e.g. Jesus was tempted in the desert.

-          Forgiveness – the parable of the Prodigal Son/story of Zacchaeus (act out as part of drama in small groups).

-          Circle time to talk about their experiences of forgiveness (writing a story or prayer about forgiveness).

-          Penitential service/assembly on forgiveness.

Holy Week:

-          Palm Sunday – read from Bible “Visit to Jerusalem” and use as a starting point for Holy week.
(Editor note: helpful clip about Palm Sunday and the significance of palms in Jesus' time

-          Holy week – Talk about celebrations, family celebration, food/sharing a meal/giving thanks for the food. Pupils will complete a drawing of a celebration and bring photographs for a class display.

-          The importance of the Last Supper and its significance of the first mass.

-          Read the Garden of Gethsemane – dramatisation, freeze frame, thought tracking of feelings.

-          Sequencing activity of the Stations of the Cross.

-          Newspaper article related to the trial and crucifixion of Jesus.

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Exemplar narrative 2:

St Margaret's cluster meeting P3 group

(NB Only Holy Week core learning)

Play hymn ‘’My soul is sad’ and engage with scripture passage about the Garden of Gethsemane

Recount or diary entry from Mark

Role-play the scene in the Garden

(Connected to theme of bullying/behaviour:)  someone being wrongly blamed, as Jesus was before Pilate

Role-play, thought tracking, hot seating Pilate

Song/poem – I carry a cross in my pocket

P3 Lent - St. Margarets Cluster Group
Assessment Ideas: 1

Write:     3 part stories of Bible stories.
              Research - different charities and their work.
              Reflective prayer writing.
Say:       Prayer service - children leading liturgy.
              Rosary group (lunchtime or 8:45am) 
Make:     Make Stations of the Cross.
              Make Lenten promise.
Do:         Prayer service.
              Visit Church.
              Role play/actout The Passion - photograph or video.

Assessment Ideas: 2
Write:     Write about a time when you were sad and lonely.
              Diary entry. #
              Sequence lines from the poem in groups/pairs.  
Say:        Peer discussion about diary entry. #
Make:     Scene in the garden using a variety of materials. *
Do:         Act out in groups scene in the garden. *
              Act out thought tracking and hot seating Pilate.

Exemplar narrative 3:

Taylor High cluster

(NB Only Lent core learning)

Week One:

- Build and establish weekly meditation in class 
     - RERC 1-18a - Change altar colours and 
     - RERC 1-18a - refer back to liturgical calendar
     - RERC 1-18a - Receive ashes and understand symbolism of change for Lent (time of preparation          for Easter)
     - Explain the pillars of Lent (Almsgiving, Fasting, Prayer)

Week Two:
- Lenten charities to support the wider community
- RERC 1-24a - Lenten promises - Reflection/commitment
- Reflecting on Forgiveness - what is forgiveness?
- How can we show/accept forgiveness?
- Personal writting
- meditation

Weeks Three and Four:
- Stories - Joseph and his brothers
- make a patch for the coat
- drama activities

Holy Week:
- Theme - feeling alone (Garden of Gethsemane)

Lenten promise tree (promises placed

Lenten promise tree (promises placed

Lenten promise tree, St Athanasius',

Lenten promise tree, St Athanasius',

Holy Week and Easter display, P3 St

Holy Week and Easter display, P3 St

Lent promise cross mobile, St Edward

Lent promise cross mobile, St Edward

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