P3 - November
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Taylor and Northern cluster groups/working groups and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P3 November short version (click to open)
P3 November long version (click to open)

Exemplar narrative 1:
Trinity learning community meeting working group
Lesson 1: Ask children to close their eyes and imagine a perfect place. What can you see, hear, smell? (Cross-curricular links - sense poem, artwork)
Explain that this perfect place is called Heaven. Explain that when you die you live forever with God in Heaven. This is called eternal life.
Lesson 2: Teach prayer 'Eternal Rest'. Children give names of family members who have died. Children make crosses with family members' names on.
Lesson 3: Show children parish bulletin with names of deceased members of the parish. Explain that they are prayed for during Mass by the parish community.
Lesson 4: Traditions surrounding praying for the dead e.g. lighting candles - refer to Paschal candle and Mass cards. Ask priest in to discuss the Sacrament of the Sick.

Exemplar narrative: 2
Cardinal Newman Cluster P3 group
-'Garden of remembrance'; persons name in middle of flowers/ book of remembrance etc.
-These can act as a prayer focus for 'eternal rest' prayer once it has been taught.
- Use of poetry to help children with understanding of eternal life.
- Children to write their own poem.
- Links to Armistice day/poppies to enforce the concept of people being
- Prayer meditation with appropriate music and visual stimulation on
-Angel hymns/prayers?
-Use Alive-O songs etc as a resource for these types of activities.
Write - Eternal life poem
- Prayer of Remebrance
- Write prayer/poem on "Eternal Life"
- November List
- Prayer for Holy Souls.
Say - Garden of Remembrance; Discussion of who and why we are remembering.
- Prayer focus
- Two minute presentation; Armistice Day
- Saying "Eternal Life" (S/P)
- Discussions on "Eternal Life".
Make - Garden of Remembrance; Art focus
- Garden of Remembrance; Make flowers
- Book of Remembrance
- Make poppies.
Do - Organise/participate in selling of poppies
- Research history/origins of Armistice Day
- Participate in meditation/hymns/prayers/songs
- Learn "Eternal Rest" (S)
- Observe 2 minute silence for Remembrance day
- Remembrance Day Assembly
- First Friday Mass (All Saints/All Souls)
- Learn appropriate Hymns.