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P4 - Saints

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the St Andrew's and St Bride's cluster group/working group, and the St Margaret's cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P4 Saints short version (click to open)
P4 Saints long version (click to open)

Exemplar narrative 1:

St Mark's Primary, Hamilton and cluster group friends

We looked at examples of people who could become saints, and how you become a saint (thinking of Pope Benedict's call to young people to be "saints of the 21st century").  We discussed how saints can inspire you to follow their example and aspire to live in a similar way.

We made group work posters, annotating posters with saintly qualities.

The class made a factfile/study about specific saints e.g. the saints mentioned in core learning, St Maximilian Kolbe, St Francis, St Teresa of Calcutta, patron saint of the school, and Missio Scotland saints for 2011: St Francis Xavier and St Therese of Lisieux (see, and heard scripture passages that represent Jesus calling his followers.

We took part in an assembly encouraging Missio donation for whole school at start of term, focussing on the continents of the world.

The class thought about how we pray to the saints and the Holy Spirit in times of need (Editor's note: use Psalm 62 as well, as per core learning?)

We learned and sang a hymn (relevant hymns: When Christ our Lord to Andrew cried; Make me a channel; Follow me; Here I am, Lord; Lord you have come to the seashore; Whatsoever you do)

Assessment ideas:
Write:     Saint factfile: write 2-minute talk
               Write a prayer to the saint/for All Saints' Day
               November list
Say:        Talk on saint of school/name/parish
                Assembly on saints from around the world
                Discuss saints of the 21st century - living saints
Make:      Make a specific item related to saint e.g. cross of St Andrew
                A poster on saintly qualities
Do:          Powerpoint presentation of all saints: present to other stages
                Sing a hymn on saints

Exemplar narrative 2:

OLHS Cluster meeting P4 group

- Mind map prior knowledge of saints: Saints they already know. What makes them a Saint? Qualities. Draw upon the fact that they were 'normal' human beings just like us.

-Stories of Saints, referring where possible to Scripture: Wher did these Saints draw their strength/conviction from? Possibly discuss the next sacrament they will receive i.e. Confirmation and the importance of the Holy Spirit. 

- Illustrate these stories via, drama, art, writing activities (e.g. storyboards). Show these to the rest of the school at whole school assembly.

- Home research/ICT - the above Saints and perhaps their name Saint/ or school Patron Saint. Or co-op research task - presenting to class.

- Circle Time or composing own prayers of how the Holy Spirit makes us strong e.g.  "I feel the Holy Spirit present when I ..."

-Learn hymns for above Saints.

(Editor note: this just needs to be rounded off with a reference to Psalm 62, as per core learning)

Write - Group prayer with 1st line as " I feel the Holy Spirit present when I", pass around group 
            and share with class.

Say - Discuss a Saint personal to yourself, present to class.

Make - A display in class for St Andrew with us as fish in the net.

Do - Learn Hymn to St Andrw for Feast Day Mass.

Exemplar narrative 3:

- St. Aidan's Cluster meeting P4 group

- " A saint is a person who does ordinary things extraordinarily well."

- Discuss "ordinary" things that they have to do 
     - Wash dishes
     - Hang up coats 
     - tidy up room/class etc.

- Who does God send to help us?
- Discuss role of Holy Spirit.
- Complete story board and captions.

- Recap Holy Spirit role.
- Choose Saint and read children a related story. Find passage in the Bible (if 
   appropriate) and read through with Children. Develop factfile for personal "My Book 
   of Saints".

- Familiarise children with Psalm 62 (show on smartboard - highlight words/phrases 
   which stand out and say something to them.

- Play quiet music in the background, children reflect on these words and phrases as 
   a peaceful meditation session.

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