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P4 - Lent

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the St Andrew's and St Bride's cluster group/working group, and the St Margaret's cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P4 Lent short version (click to open)
P4 Lent long version (click to open)


Exemplar nattarive 1:

East Kilbride working group:

-          Ash Wednesday  Discuss the importance of this day, the origin of the ashes (burned palms                      from Palm Sunday) and the start of Lent.

-          At the start of Lent encourage children to choose a promise to keep for 6 weeks.  Record these              and look at after 6 weeks.

-          Dress the Holy area in the classroom using the colour purple.

-          Visit the Church during Lent.  Compare the differences in the Church during Lent (sombre, how              the Altar is dressed, lack of flowers etc.)  

-          Look at Alive ‘O’ 4 DVD on the Church focus on the different robe colours, compare this to other               times of the year.

-          Lenten Promises

-          Create a Lenten tree, with daily promises for the class (pray, acts of kindness etc.)

-          Alms giving, discuss the school’s Lenten charity.

Holy Week

Concentrate on the story of the Passover (Editor note: for an account of a class celebration of the Passover, click here)

-          Read and discuss the Passover.  Exodus 12: 1-14

-          Use the DVD ‘The Prince of Egypt’ – story of Moses life to further support this.

-          Make /taste unleavened bread.

-          Sequence the story (cut and stick)

-          Tie a red ribbon around the door – symbolic blood on doors.

-          Share a lunch in class together for Passover or Last Supper.

Last Supper

-          Celebratory meal could be used to symbolise Last Supper. (This is also covered in First Communion preparation.)

-          Bible reading of the Last supper. Mark 14: 12-16
(Editor note: useful 2-minute animation about Last Supper at

-          Palm Sunday   Read Matthew 21: 9, Mark 11: 1-11, Luke 19: 28-38 about Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  Recognise we pray the Sanctus (holy holy) at Mass, the same as the crowd.
(Editor note: helpful clip about Palm Sunday and the significance of palms in Jesus' time

-          Make group models of the Garden of Gethsemane.

-          Read Matthew 27: 20-26, Mark 15: 6-15, Luke 23: 13-25 when Jesus is arrested. 

-          Children work in groups to act out the different events in Holy week.

-          Children draw cartoon strips of each story or of the different stages of Holy Week.

-          Sorrowful Mysteries

In groups children use A3 paper to draw/represent the Sorrowful Mysteries.

Exemplar narrative 2:

St Serf’s Airdrie/St Mary’s Caldercruix/St Aloysius Chapelhall

(NB The following is based on Lent core learning only, not Holy Week)

Look at seasons of liturgical calendar – visit to church and explore colours

Lenten promise tree for display made from children’s hands or balloons with promise, to be released into the sky

Lenten calendar, count down to Holy Week, open the door, and each window has an almsgiving/prayer/fasting activity for the children to do.

End of the week diary to evaluate how they got on that week

Drama role play – peer pressure to quit good deeds (see drama conventions and tools here)

Plan event to fundraise for charity

Assessment Ideas: 1
Write:     Lenten promises on leaf.
              Passover recounts.
              Evaluations of Lenten tasks.
              Posters - Lent activities.
              Spiritual targets - Weekly targets.   
Say:       Identify colours linked with liturgical seasons.
              Roles - Passion play.
              Discussion Lent ideas.
              Share spiritual targets.
Make:    Lenten promise tree.
              Lenten calendar.
Do:        Visit to Church - Pray, Meditation.
              Lenten promise tree.
              Act out Passion.
              Passover meal.
              Activities from Lenten calendar.
              Role play peer pressure.
              Follow and review spiritual and weekly targets. 

Assessment Ideas: 2
Write:     Write weekly reflection.
               Write about their visit to Church and finding out about colours.   
Say:        Use flip camera to record role play.
               Discuss reflection with parents.
Make:     Make Stations of the Cross. 
               Promise tree.
               Lenten calendar. 
Do:         P7 Leading Stations of the Cross for rest of school and parents, in Church.

Exemplar narrative 3:

St.  Aidan's Cluster

(Editor note: this is based on theHoly Week core learning only)

- Begin with story of Exodus to introduce the concept of passover and the Last Supper (See Alive-O 4-term 3, lesson 2 - The passover story)

(Editor note: for an account of a class celebration of the Passover,click here)

- Listen to the story of the Last Supper, (See Jesus the King - The Lion Story Bible 
   46), discuss and see if children recognise any of the words from Mass within the 
   story - Link to Mass resonses.

- Learn 'The Last Supper' poem (Veritas) in class.

- Colour in/illustrate the Last Supper.

- Drama activity - pretending to be an observer when Jesus entered
   Jersualem/was arrested (responses, role play, hotseating)

- Attending a Parish Mass. (Early morning Lent Mass).

-Resources: -The Miracle Maker - Video/DVD 
                    - Jesus the King
                    - The first Easter
                    - instant display website

Write - Summarise the story of the Last Supper
         - Write out Lenten Promises
         - Record some quotes from the Bible.

Say - Learn and say the Mass responses
       - Recite "The Last Supper" poem.

Make - Make palms and make into crosses.

Do - Meditation
     - Paint a picture. make a drawing of The Last Supper
     - Washing of feet
     - Attend/participate in Mass and Stations of the Cross.

Lenten promise tree, St Athanasius', Carluke

Lenten promises, P4 St Gerards' Bellshill; kept in a sealed box thtoughout Lent then viewed by the individual at the end of Lent

Celtic crosses backed with TIOF strands colours, P4 OLGA Cathedral Primary, Motherwell

Lenten promise Celtic crosses, P4 OLGA Cathedral Primary, Motherwell

Lenten promise Celtic crosses, OLGA Cathedral Primary

Lenten promise washing line, St Timothy's, Coatbridge

Our Lenten Promise Tree, St Andrew's, Airdrie

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