P4 - Living the Word fo God
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the St Andrew's and St Bride's cluster group/working group, and the St Margaret's cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P4 Living the Word short version (click to open)
P4 Living the Word long version (click to open)

Click on the Saint's name below for a powerpoint presentation written by Caroline Pitcathley as part of a Farmington Fellowship:
St Columba
St Margaret of Scotland
Scottish Saints factcards

Exemplar narrative 1:
St Andrew’s and St Bride’s Cluster working group
Four weeks, cover one scripture story each week (Our Father: Matthew 6: 5-13) Wk 2 Centurion’s Servant (Matthew 8: 5-13) Wk3 Feeding the five thousand (Matthew 14: 13-21) wk 4 Two commandments of Jesus - To love God and To Love Neighbour (Matthew 22: 34-40) to establish Jesus as one who teaches, heals and nourishes. Jesus prayed to God the Father and therefore...
Week 1 – to teach: when the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray children reflect on what a teacher is and does having read the scripture passage establish key themes (relevant to this topic) “Thy Kingdom Come” (What is his kingdom?/ everyone is included and cared for) “Thy will be done” is when we make good choices by following Jesus example and listening to our conscience. “Forgive us....as we forgive others....” reflect on when we do something wrong we look for forgiveness so how do each of us show forgiveness of others.
Children illustrate their own printed copy of the Our Father to demonstrate their understanding of the imagery above.
Week 2 – as a healer: Jesus demonstrated his love through healing the centurion’s servant - read the story and through role play children will explore the feelings of the characters highlighting love of God and Neighbour. Children create a piece of writing to show times when ‘I show love...’ and ‘I receive love ....Link to cross curricular possibilities: HWB 1-05a / HWB 109a
Week 3 – to nourish: Important to show that Jesus’ love first of all satisfied a human need for nourishment. Have the children talk about food, the need for it, eating at school, how some people do not have food. Then introduce the children to the story of ’The Feeding of the Five Thousand make the link to spiritual healing and wellbeing by discussing what it would be like if people were not kind, do not love one another. Have a short prayer service with the children to allow reflection and examination of conscience. Following the prayer service share a simple meal with the children to demonstrate that nourishment provides health and wellbeing. Establish with the children how they feel before and after eating and link to their the need for reconciliation and Eucharist for their spiritual wellbeing that can be nourished through the word of God, reflecting on readings, participating in hymn singing (As Bread my Lord Comes to Me.)
Week 4 – Propose to the children that Christ commanded us to ‘Love, God and Neighbour.’ Who is our neighbour? Explore through discussion and display/ resources that neighbour is ‘Everyone,’ reflect on ‘The Good Samaritan’ and the school ethos of giving to others during Advent and Lent.
Through role play act out ‘hurtful and unkind’ scenarios to establish why is it sometimes difficult to love some people and easy to love others. Return to the key aspects of the Our Father and establish that when the children act with kindness and love (pictorial display from week one) the spirit lives in them (Hymn: Walk in the Light.) In partners children then identify and illustrate positive characteristics they are aware of in themselves and an others and one which they would like to improve upon thus making a pledge to God to follow his command.

Exemplar narrative 2:
Holy Cross cluster meeting working group
- Look at the Our Father (Matthew 6: 5-13) and discuss what Jesus meant when he taught this prayer. Copy of the Our Father put into jotter and decorate/Write Our Father using illuminative script or ICT fancy fonts/Make a scroll using special paper using teabags on paper
Assessment idea:
Able to recite the Our Father and contribute to discussion of what it means, perhaps line by line
- Read about Jesus’ cure of the Centurion’s servant. Talk about people who help us and suggest ways to help others.
- Read Jesus’ feeds the 5000 (from Jane Reehorst, Guided Meditations for Children). Talk about how Jesus nourishes the crowd physically and spiritually. Discussion of foods we like to eat, and draw them on a paper plate (cross-curricular with HWB 1-29a and HWB 1-30a)/Dramatic reenactment of feeding of 5000, perhaps present at assembly
Assessment idea:
A story from the point of view of the boy who brought the loaves, and apply: "I shared love when..."
- After talking about the command to love our neighbour, children write a way of showing love on a piece of paper, put in a bowl, and choose one to do every day
(Editor note: should complement this with some prayer and simple examination of conscience, as per core learning)
Assessment Ideas: 2
Write: Write about the liturgical year and write/choose three of them.
Write a prayer for the Holy Spirit asking for strength and courage in their lives.
Say: Can they say the meanings of the liturgical colours.
Sing a Hymn "Alleluia".
Reflection/prayer time - Why do we make the Sign of the Cross? Link to Baptism.
Make: Can the children make the Stations of the Cross?
Art - Make a collage of the symbols of the Holy Spirit using different materials.
Do: Dress the altar as a class.
Passover meal - set the table, prepare.