P4 - Mary
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the St Andrew's and St Bride's cluster group/working group, and the St Margaret's cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P4 Mary short version (click to open)
P4 Mary long version (click to open)

Exemplar narrative 1:
St Margaret's cluster meeting P4 group
Suggested activities:
- altar preparation: suggestions for class altar. Encourage pupils to each bring one item for altar
- Procession: rosary and hymns; compare to Presentation of the Gifts at Mass (could perhaps be used as style employed when preparing the altar)
- images and titles of Mary to explore
- Teach rosary for children – images of mysteries
- Make rosary beads – explore significance of decades

Exemplar narrative 2:
Taylor High cluster
- Children help to decorate prayer area/May altar. Make cards/flowers with a message to Our Lady or quote from a prayer e.g.: the Memorare, Hail Mary etc.
-Pray a decade of the Rosary daily in May, ask children to take turns praying the Rosary.
-Processions at Mass - discuss and participate in them, especially First Holy Communion - processing for the Eucharist, Church visit, procession to Our Lady`s statue; pray Rosary, sing hymn e.g. Immaculate Mary - watch live Web Cam of Lourdes to see processions.
- Make Rosary beads - use playdough,clay, plastic beads etc. Also link to MISSIO Rosary.
- Teach prayers and sequence of Rosary - awareness raising of mysteries - link to Scripture and Mary`s role in Jesus life.
- Special attention if Our Lady is school patron e.g. special feast days.
Write - Write a prayer to Our Lady
- The mysteries of the Rosary
- The prayers and sequence of the Rosary.
Say - Say a rosary daily
- Sing hymns to Mary.
Make - Cards and flowers using collage
- Rosary beads using art materials
- A prayer book for Mary.
Do - Take turns.
- Learn the structure of a Rosary
- Teach and help others with prayers
- Look at the story behind prayers.