P4 - Other World Religions
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the St Andrew's and St Bride's cluster group/working group, and the St Margaret's cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P4 OWR short version (click to open)
P4 OWR long version (click to open)
Exemplar narrative 1:
Trinity learning community meeting working group
Introduction to other world religions
Build on previous knowledge (P3 Judaism), as outlined in core learning
Invite a child or outside volunteer of Muslim faith to speak to class, OR visit to Mosque, OR use IT to investigate
Comparisons (similarities/differences): Allah – God; Torah – Qu’ran; Synagogue – Mosque; celebrations and symbols
If not covered by guest/volunteer speaker, highlighting respect and kindness for God, parents and elders
Assessment ideas:
Write: Write an account of class visit to the Mosque
Say: Class assembly, presenting their new knowledge to another class/school
Make: Make holy objects
Do: Create a presentation about similarities with Christianity

Exemplar narrative 2:
Holy Cross cluster meeting working group
- Revisit prior learning initially (P3 Judaism)
- Displaying Torah, Qu’ran along with Bible as sacred Word of faiths
- If there are children of the Muslim community in the school it would be great to invite them to instruct others
- Visit to a mosque, if possible/try to source a video clip/pictures of a mosque
(Editor's note : perhaps also highlight respect and kindness for God, parents and elders in Islam as per the core learning)