P5 - Beginning of the School Year
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Trinity and the St Ambrose cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P5 Beginning of the Year short version (click to open)
P5 Beginning of the Year long version (click to open)

Exemplar narrative 1:
Northern Cluster working group:
- Set up class altar:
- Setting Bible on stand - higlight two parts (Old and New Testaments)
- Liturical wheel/calendar vestments
- Research test - local parish and linked to organisations. Make a booklet.
- Visit to church. Meet representatives from different lay organisations outlined in core learning
- Research the patron saint of the school
- Personal/ resolution prayer
- Establish class rules
- Establishing a respectful prayer time
- Relevant music used
(Editor note: as they set up class bible, pupils could go beyond looking simply at Old and New Testaments, and consider the letters/epistles in a simple way, as per core learning. Also consider which images/icons/statues will be placed on the class altar and why, as per core learning.)