P5 - Calling: Disciples of Jesus
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Trinity and the St Ambrose cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P5 Calling: Disciples of Jesus short version (click to open)
P5 Calling: Disciples of Jesus long version (click to open)
Click to hear a podcast, aimed at teachers, about Mission in the Church

Exemplar narrative 2:
St. Aidan's Cluster meeting P5 group
- Gospel Readings - Bible to locate Mark's readings - Mark's references (research)
- Groups to illustrate message (Art)
- Short summary/report back (possible Co-op learning).
- Good role models of faith (Homework challenge, personal research). Alive-O has examples of this.
- Assign each class group a saint (Homework - feedback to others)
-Photoframe/powerpoint (St. Bernadatte etc).
-Visitors from various charities etc (SVDP, SCIAF ), also Priests/Nuns.
-Lenten charities/missionaries. Let the Children live.
(Editor note: this very good group of activities could perhaps be compemented by a little more research about religious life, some witness of married life, and some discussion of how the example of others challenges us to reflect on our own calling)
- Report writing about chosen researched Saint
- Storyboard of the Saint's life
- Recount the story of their life.
- Present their findings in class, answer questions (Saints)
- Small group presentation on a personal role model (model of faith).
- Create a power point about their chosen saint
- Art and design; design a photo frame
- Posters for the charities
- Create a bok of Saints
- Create your own stain glass window of your chosen saint.
- Research religious life (orders, priestly life, background to charity)
- Interview members of charity, etc as above
- Research local groups in parish.