P5 - Creation/Baptism
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Trinity and the St Ambrose cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P5 Creation/Baptism short version (click to open)
P5 Creation/Baptism long version (click to open)
A cross-curricular scriptural planner based on Creation, written by Julie Neil and Anthony Hutcheson as a part of a Farmington Fellowship, can be downloaded here.
A fun script entitled 'Creation out of Kilter', written by Anthony Hutcheson as a part of a Farmington Fellowship can be downloaded here.
Click for a podcast, aimed at teachers, about how God creates in Genesis 1-2
Click for a podcast, aimed at teachers, about Liturgical time and Sacred time in
Click for a podcast, aimed at teachers, about Naming in the Book of Genesis

St Bernadette's, Motherwell
- Use of class bibles (one between two) to allow pupils’ better understanding of how to use them to find specific passages using chapter and verse e.g. Genesis 1 & 2:1-4; Ezekiel 36: 26-28. Co-operative paired work answering different questions where the answers would be found in the bibles.
- Focus on how God created the earth by reading Genesis 1&2, recording knowledge through 8-section drawing and sentences, with discussion of goodness of creation and our responsibility to care for it. Further class reflection based on observation of P6 assembly on
topic of biodiversity.
- Discussion of the imperfection of creation, especially environmental damage caused by greed, in light of Adam and Eve’s greed in Genesis 3.
- Discussion of prior knowledge of bible stories/Jesus’ miracles involving water, and examination of other relevant passages (cross curricular link: The Unsinkable Ship). Use of name selector (computer programme which randomly selects a pupil’s name when asking questions, replacing ‘hands up’ etc) to allow pupils to relate Jesus’ key teachings to their own lives.
- Fact-finding about the importance of clean water in the developing world, using Cafod resources e.g. Water challenge interactive quiz, Mani’s Healthy Village (see Cafod resources below)
- Review of prior knowledge of the meaning and symbols of baptism, supplemented by Redemptorist Publications, Your baby’s baptism, p. 8-9, sourced from local parish, and/or Alive-O 5 video about baptism
- Preparation for church visit to Mass for feast of Ascension: reminder to pupils to bless themselves with holy water on entering and leaving church, as a reminder of baptism, and a way of praying to the Holy Trinity.
- as choir members are performing a concert at North Motherwell church (Church of Scotland), whole class to visit the church and ask questions of the local minister after rehearsal specifically about links and joint work with St Bernadette’s parish, and baptism in the C of S.
- Reading and discussion of John 17 and Acts 2 in light of class visit to North Motherwell
church. in parish.