P5 - Eucharist
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Trinity and the St Ambrose cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P5 Eucharist short version (click to open)
P5 Eucharist long version (click to open)
Click for a podcast, aimed at teachers, about the Eucharist as Memorial

Exemplar narrative 1:
As suggested in the diocesan planning exemplars, this narrative envisages the Eucharist theme being taught in Eastertide
St Bernadette's, Motherwell:
- Recall of Holy Week services, especially pupils’ role e.g. as servers
- Use of SCES Liturgical Year Planner to demonstrate transition to Eastertide and liturgical colour white/gold.
- Cross-curricular link with literacy and drama: class discussion of our favourite examples of storytelling which help our imagination to bring events alive (including football match commentaries, eye-witness accounts etc). What helps our imagination to ‘see’ the past or present event?
- Reading of the Passover account in Exodus 12, and analysis of what helped the people of Israel to bring the Passover event to life (e.g. repetition each year, eating and drinking, clothes, eating standing up as if ready to flee), and analysis of what helps bring alive the Last Supper and Jesus’ death at Mass (crucifix, vestments, telling the story of Last Supper, ritual and symbols etc)
- Examination of new Mass responses/rituals using photocopies from diocese
- Analysis of previous Sunday’s readings and key messages, focussing on the message of the sermon. Ongoing encouragement to attend Sunday Mass, as the source and summit of Christian life as explained in core learning.
- As part of preparation for Ascension Thursday Mass, pupils to ask chaplain whether they can choose the hymns (to reflect the theme), and compose the Prayers of Intercession.
- Pupils to be reminded of importance of fasting for an hour before Ascension Thursday Mass, and the reason for this.