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P5 - Healing: Jesus and the Sacraments

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Trinity and the St Ambrose cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P5 Healing short version (click to open)
P5 Healing long version (click to open)

Exemplar narrative 1:

St Margaret's cluster meeting P5 group

-          Thought shower: “What is a miracle?”  “What miracles have you heard of?”

-          Form co-operative learning groups, each group explore one of the healing miracles – choose media to present to whole class

-          Modern-day healers, brief discussion – same co-operative learning groups research using ICT

-          Group write reports – present to class

-          Whole-class lesson, discussion of sacraments with emphasis on healing sacraments

-          Visit from Parish Priest to explain Anointing of the Sick

-          Reconciliation as a spiritual healing: ‘Wipe clean’ activity to show forgiveness of sins using whiteboard

-          write prayers of petition and thank-you prayers

-          Class go to Sacrament of Reconciliation – prayer service at which children read out their prayers of petition, especially for the sick

Assessment Ideas: 1
Write:    Report - Features, Style, Content.
Say:      Discuss prior knowledge of miracles, stories - biblical.
             Present findings to class (ppt.).
             Discuss Sacrament of Reconciliation (healing focus)
Make:   Create thought shower.
             Make ppt. presentation.
Do:       Prayer Service.
             Drama - Choose a miracle.

Assessment Ideas: 2
Write:    Report on healing miracles.
              Write prayers in response to discussions.
Say:       Thought shower.
               Co-op research and presentation of healing miracles.
               Class discussion on healing miracles and through Sacraments.
               Share prayers with others.
Make:     Make prayer cards/books to display or share at Reconciliation service.
               film/Video of photos or images to show their response and understanding
               of theme.
Do:         Co-op research on miracles and presentation to class.
               Wipe clean sin activity (Whiteboards)
               Share prayers at Reconciliation service(s).

Prayer flowers, St Mark's Hamilton

Jesus helped people, and we want to help, St Dominic's Airdrie

Prayers of thanksgiving to God, OLGA Cathedral Primary Motherwell

Prayers of thanksgiving to God, OLGA Cathedral Primary Motherwell

Seven sacraments display, P5 OLGA Cathedral Primary, Motherwell

Seven sacraments display: Confirmation, P5 OLGA Cathedral Primary, Motherwell

Seven sacraments display: Eucharist, P5 OLGA Cathedral Primary, Motherwell

Seven sacraments display: Baptism, P5 OLGA Cathedral Primary, Motherwell



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