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P5 - Holy Week

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Trinity and the St Ambrose cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P5 Holy Week short version (click to open)
P5 Holy Week long version (click to open)

Holy Week Resource:
Click here for a well-presented power point summary of the events of Holy Week
Click here for an accompanying activity idea, the diary entry of a Roman soldier/other witness

Click to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about how Jesus' death brought peace and 
Click to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about the Old Covenant and New Covenant
Click to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about the Passover
Click to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about Sacrfice in the Old and New Testaments
Click to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about the Symbols of a Funeral Liturgy

Exemplar narrative 1:

P5/6 and P6 St Thomas' Primary, Wishaw

- General aim:  to link RE, language and drama through a cross-curricular study

Resource: Sorrowful mysteries, Bible, Jesus of Nazareth DVD

General outline: 
- read appropriate passages in the Gospel
- watch corresponding DVD clip
- discuss from different perspectives e.g. Jesus, mary, Pontius Pilate
- follow-up assessment - drama or various genre of writing
(See slideshow below)

Agony in the Garden:
- role-play, t-chart for feelings/emotions, similes using emotions and feelings
- writing - diary entry from apostles' point of view

Scourging at the pillar
- t-chart events (arrest, Peter's denial, Judas' betrayal, scourging at the pillar) and feelings 
- writing: a letter from Jesus to his Mother

Crowning with Thorns
- hot seating
- writing - diary entry revealing how Pontius Pilate felt

Carrying of the Cross/Crucifiction
- writing - newspaper article

* One class produced a play for the whole school assembly
* One class saved SCIAF money to buy Real Gifts which were gifted to St Thomas' Primary, St Patrick's parish, and St Thomas' Parish
* Both classes completed Lent booklets - prayer, fasting and almsgiving

Exemplar narrative 2:

John Ogilvie cluster group

- Crucifix permanently in class: class discussion at this point

- Palm Sunday: underline joyous celebration: read scripture, and show film/animation of Jesus 
entering Jerusalem

- Last Supper:  personal experience of celebrations and meals; read scripture (Mark 14: 
- Being prayerful and reflection: children compose their own prayers, recited in a class prayer service

- Passion: celebrate Stations of the Cross
- Comparison of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem to his arrest and death

- Read Mark 15: 42-47 and discuss the care and respect shown for Jesus' body 

- Compare and contrast a Catholic Requiem Mass: symbols, signs, use of incense, oil which was used by Mary and the women to prepare Jesus' body for burial

(Editor note 1: perhaps this could be complemented by a look at Peter, and the suffering servant of Isaiah, as per core learning)
(Editor note 2: For a presentation clip of Peter's denial see

Write:    Write a prayer - using key words from key vocabulary
Say:       Continuing saying class prayer throughout Lent
Make:    Continue adding to 'Jesse' type tree to say sorry, put sins/intentions in wee envelopes, 
using as focus for prayer.
Do:         Drama - retelling the passion story


Holy Week writing, St Thomas', Wishaw

Holy Week writing, St Thomas', Wishaw

Holy Week writing, St Thomas', Wishaw

Holy Week writing, St Thomas', Wishaw

Lent Workbook, St Thomas', Wishaw

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