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P5 - Life of Jesus

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Trinity and the St Ambrose cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P5 Life of Jesus short version (click to open)
P5 Life of Jesus long version (click to open)


Exemplar narrative 1:

Taylor High cluster meeting P5 group

Miracles: Teacher selects a specific miracle to introduce to the class and discuss what is meant by a ‘Miracle’ in that it is something deemed impossible by man (at P5 divinity/Holy Trinity could be discussed) could be explained further here) Teacher could use picture/video here to reinforce and this miracle and help pupils to visualize.

In groups/pairs, pupils utilise ICT resources or class bibles to carry out research on a different miracle per group/pair.

Pupils use the information they have researched to create an informative poster all about the miracle.

Each group could then ‘teach’ the rest of the class about their miracle.

Prayer: Teacher introduces the theme of prayer in a general sense in relation to the pupil’s own knowledge, elicit thoughts and feelings on the nature of their prayer, to whom do they pray and why do they pray? 

Teacher can then use prayerful meditation/contemplation to allow the pupils to feel the benefit of prayer (relaxation, connection/dialogue with God, ease their worries).

Links to be made now with how Jesus prayed and to whom he prayed, showing that as a man Jesus felt the need to pray to God as we do.

Jesus prayed with others during his life and this displays the value of a communion of prayer when we as Catholics pray together at Mass, school and in our homes.

Once a good understanding of prayer and the way Jesus used prayer to speak to God during his life has been achieved the pupils could then create their own personal, family or class prayer. 

Gifts from God: Teacher introduces the idea that all of us have a God given gifts and talents and they don’t have to be the obvious ones like football or singing.

Try to get the pupils to firstly appreciate their own gifts and to identify them, without comparing them to others.

Pupils should be led to see that if a gift or talent is God given, then it should use in a positive way to help others, just as Jesus did through his miracles and teaching.

Pupils are invited to decorate a gift box which will house their ‘gifts/talents’.

The gift boxes will be displayed on the walls and have a flap so that others can add gifts and talents that they see in their friends in the class. These additional gifts can be added anonymously and show that the pupils have an appreciation for others.

Geographical Awareness of the land that Jesus lived in: Discuss pupils existing, prior knowledge of the area around the middle east where many of our Bible stories took place.

Make modern comparisons with Israel/Palestine and look at specific sites and landmarks that Jesus would have visited and compare how they look now (Google earth and internet/news sites will aid with this).

Comparisons with ancient and modern maps would also be useful in giving pupils a feel for where the life of Jesus actually happened and where his feet would have walked.

Discussion could lead into God’s Covenant with the Jewish people and the modern belief in Israel as the ‘Promised Land’ (religious tolerance could be discussed at this point/other world religions)

A mapping task could be used to assess knowledge of the locations discussed.

Write - Recount miracles
         - Create prayers
         - About covenant and what it means
         - Recount known miracles
         - Class prayer/personal/family prayer
         - Write prayer for school mass
         - Box of talents
         - Very important person
         - Plot biblical places on map.

Say - Recent miracles/presentation
       - Recall responses and prayers
       - Voice prayers aloud
       - Identify gifts and talents and how they can be used positively
       - Discuss religious tolerance
       - Orally recount miracles
       - Recall/discuss scripture passages
       - Discuss features/make up of a prayer
       - Recall responses mass/school prayers
       - Class mass
       - Discuss/identify talents/gifts and how to use positively.

Make - Miracle poster
          - Create personal/family/class prayers
          - Make a gift box which will house gifts
          - Prayers for mass/family.

Do - Research miracles
      - Participate in meditation/contemplation
      - Participate in class/school/church prayer
      - Research Isreal and Palestine
      - Identify significant places on map
      - Research miracles/related scripture
      - Presenting findings eg;drama, powerpoint etc to class/teacher group
      - Participate in meditation
    ` - Participate in school/class/prayer/mass
      - Research Isreal/Palestine
      - Research biblical places.


Exemplar narrative 2:

St. Ambrose cluster.

Some suggested activities:

-Ten Lepers - thanking someone

- DVD - parables - The Good Samaritan
                                                              - The Prodigal Son
                                                              - The Lost Sheep

- Art piece with little sheep (cotton wool)

-Small drama piece

- Summary of parables - "Jesus the teacher"- children wrote about how Jesus taught us how to live through his parables.

-Image of God - Children draw a self portrait and then write their gifts and talents around picture e.g. loving, kind, forgiving.

(Editor note: these activities would only cover a part of the core learning for this theme)

Showing Jesus' values, P5 St Teresa's, Newarthill

Values star: caring, P5 St Teresa's, Newarthill

Kingdom seeds and values display, P5 St Teresa's, Newarthill

We all have gifts from God, P5 Christ the King Holytown

We all have gifts from God, P5 Christ the King Holytown

We are Followers of Jesus (hence why children have their backs on view), P5 Christ the King Holytown



The Lost Sheep replies to Jesus (miracles and parables of Jesus), P5 St Gerard's, Bellshill

Life of Jesus display, P5 St Teresa's, Newarthill

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