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P5 - November

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Trinity and the St Ambrose cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P5 November short version (click to open)
P5 November long version (click to open)


Exemplar narrative 1:

St Andrew's and St Bride's learning community meeting working group


- Linking to Medieval Scotland and to St Columba arriving in Scotland (Editor note:  St Columba is studied in P4 Living the Word of God, P6Heritage and P7 Journey themes)

- Illuminated scripts, and Celtic crosses - artwork

- Research family names and crests and designed Celtic crosses based on this

- Write own breastplate like St Patrick's Breastplate

- Research origins of town names and Celtic Christian origins using IT (e.g. Motherwell, East Kilbride, Bishopbriggs)

- Link to St Patrick's Day celebrations, concerts etc (if heritage split from Faithful Departed and transferred from November to March)

Faithful departed:

- November lists/daybook (different name on display each day)

- Faithful departed wall - using names on poppies.  Poppy wreaths (including visitors to the school by leaving box of blank poppies in the foyer)

- Children wrote personal prayers in remebrance of those who have died

Assessment Ideas:
Write:    St. Columba factfile/Biography.
             Scottish Saint factfile.
Say:      Presentation on family name (Homework) - Share feedback.
             Say "Eternal Rest" in the morning.
Make:   Make Celtic Cross dosplay.
             Make breastplate display - prayer.
Do:       Investigate place names i.e east Kilbride.
             Investigate Remembrance Sunday.


Exemplar narrative 1:

Trinity learning community meeting working group

(Editor note:  the following narrative refers almost exclusively to the Faithful Departed aspect of the November theme, and would have to be complemented by the core learning about Scottish/Celtic faith heritage)

- Special November Mass or class prayer service – “Our Friends in Heaven” books made – each child with ‘cloud outlines’ which they took home and discussed with parents who they should pray for during November.  These books were presented as part of offertory procession.  Teachers helped children to make simple reflections and these were read out at Mass.

- Laminate poppy badges to link with Remembrance Day /Scottish heritage/WWII topic – links with names of family members who have died

- Formal prayer for this stage relating to eternal life – Eternal Rest/May the Souls of the Faithful Departed

- All Saints Day and appropriate hymns for this time of year

- This is Our Faith cross as example of Celtic cross

Assesment ideas:
Write:     Make a November list
Say:        Talk to parent/carer about Faithful Departed
Make:      Make prayer books
                Make poppy badges
                Make paper candles with names of family
Do:          Take active part in class liturgy, and Mass on 1st November

Celtic cross, P5 St Bernadette's, Motherwell

Celtic cross, P5 St Bernadette's, Motherwell

Celtic cross, P5 St Bernadette's, Motherwell

Memorial crosses, P5 St Bernadette's, Motherwell

Memorial crosses, P5 St Bernadette's, Motherwell

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