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P5 - Pentecost: Holy Spirit & Prophecy

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Trinity and the St Ambrose cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P5 Pentecost short version (click to open)
P5 Pentecost long version (click to open)


Exemplar narrative 1:

St Andrew's cluster meeting P5 group


- Read story of Pentecost
Write: recounting of story - main events/key words etc
Do: report back
Make: visual representation

Biblical prophets:
Read: prophets within the Old and New Testament
Write: Storyboard one of the prophets' messages
Do: drama activities - reflect on relationship/love that God has with his people
Make: a display representing what was covered in drama/stroyboards

Modern prophets:
Read: read and research (ICT) modern Christian witnesses (using examples in core learning)
Write: reports/leaflets/biographies/character profiles of suggested modern prophets
Do: discuss/contribute to groups' presentation and reflect on their own conscience

Call: care for the poor: Mary's Meals, bags, shoe boxes, SCIAF Wee Box (almsgiving) etc 

Assessmemt Ideas:
Write:    Storyboard
             News Report of Pentecost - sequence events in order.
                                                         - use of appropriate layout and vocabulary.
             Lenten promise - have they identified something for personal growth 
             and contribution to society.
Say:     Comic Life.
             Confidently recount main events to peers and other children/parents
             at home. - Sequence events in the correct order/use appropriate vocabulary.
             Pupils can explain why they are using SCIAF's 'wee blue boxes'
Make:   Storyboard
             Comic Life.
             Display a variety of prophets and a factfile/biography of 
             key researched information.
Do:       Comic Life (ICT programme).
             Use the Bibkle to locate relevant passage about prophets and identify
             information relating to their calling and mission.
             Children take responsibility for giving, counting and recording money
             raised for Charity.

Exemplar narrative 2:

Week 1: Introduce Old Testament - ensure all understand these are stories prior to the birth of Jesus.  Create Old Testament story wheel.

Week 2: Focus on Genesis, and Prophets + Kings.
Locate, read and create drama for scripture passages: 
1 = 1 Samuel 16: 1-13;  
2 = Isaiah 61: 1-3;  
3 = Jeremiah 1: 4-10; 
4 = Jeremiah 18: 16; 
5 = Ezekiel 2: 1-10
Dramas in co-op groups and videoed

Week 3:  Link prophets to gifts of the Holy Spirit.  Investigate modern day prophets - El Salvador etc - Write about modern day prophets or people who have opened the Door of Faith (link to Year of Faith).  Door wall display (see slideshow below)

Week 4:  Pentecost and the Holy Spirit - main ideas board (see slideshow below)

The Doors of Faith ready to open

Pope John Paul II, who opened the doors of faith







Pentecost work display, P5 St Dominic's, Airdrie

Pentecost work display, P5 St Dominic's, Airdrie







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