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P6 - Christian Unity Week

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Holy Cross cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P6 Christian Unity short version (click to open)
P6 Christian Unity long version (click to open)


Exemplar narrative 1:

Christian Unity Week provided opportunities for the children to revise the aspects of Christianity including the Bible and how God conveys his message through the Old and New Testaments.  They located bible passages, particularly those that tell us of the Early Christian communities and St Paul's missionary journeys.  The children investigated other Christian denominations and the part they play in building God's kingdom, by serving God in imitation of Jesus and the early Church.  They were able to relate the concept of 'Unity' to their own lives and discussed with confidence how it is important that all Christian denominations are united in faith in God.  The children created posters for display promoting Christian Unity Week to their peers.

Exemplar narrative 2:

Taylor High cluster

Some suggested activities:

-Reinforcing idea of Bible as Sacred Scripture

- Remind of Christmas - recent celebration - link to New Testament - 
   Christian - Christ.

-Acts of the Apostles - reading specific passages - talk about communities/
  journeys of St. Paul. Discuss.

- Focus on figure of St. Paul/conversion.

- How can pupils continue the ministry of Jesus? SCIAF, Mary's Meals, etc. 
   Guest speaker?

- Look at how the early Christian community developed.

- Comparison- RC Church/ CoS Churches (Editor note: try - “ I go to a Church of Scotland church” introduction to the Church of Scotland from a young person’s point of view?)

- St. Columba/ St. Kentigern/St. Ninian - early Christian comm. in Scotland.

- PSD - ideas of continuing ministry - basket of ideas on altar.

- Alive-O - other Churches video

- Hymn - "Where two or three are gathered in my Name"

Assessment ideas:

Write - Research at home, gather information about "what makes us followers 
            of Christ...".

Say - Discuss similarities/differences with catholicism and other faith especially
          those of other family members
       - Discuss the creed in more depth, what message does it hold?

Make - A "Tree of Kindness" and tie on kind deeds we notice in others.

Do - Research into early saints and the impact they had on areas within Scotland
      - Participate in an ecumenical service, find about those in your local area
      - Have a chantable activity or event
      - Meditation, setting a scenario and reading this, mediatating on it and getting
         a respone (stones and anecdotes).

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