P6 - Justice & Peace
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Holy Cross cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P6 Justice and Peace short version (click to open)
P6 Justice and Peace long version (click to open)
Click to hear a podcast, aimed at teachers, about Mission in the Church
Click to hear a podcast, aimed at teachers, about the Eucharist as Source and Summit of the Christian life

Exemplar narrative 1:
- Daily prayer and hymns
- Class/school Masses
- Throughout Term 3, the children of Primary 6 will explore their God-given role to care for and protect God's creation, including themselves, drawing on the story of the 'naming of the animals' in Genesis 2 - focusing on their promise to live in peace and harmony with God's creation. Reflecting on the Year of Faith, the children will revise what Faith means to them, recognising the part their faith plays in the world-wide community of the Church. Through consideration, discussion and reflective stories on Faith, the children were able to produce a short video entitled 'Faith is...' The children will specifically focus on how we care for the poor of the world through donating money to charities. In particular the children will reflect on their contribution to Missio Scotland and will investigate the works of the charity. The children will engage in bible searches, remebering the strategy for locating Bible texts, which show how God calls us to be of service to the world and not just members of the Christian community.
(Editor note: these activities would be a good basis for tackling this large theme, but would have to be complemented by exploring the role of the Eucharist in strengthening and inspiring justice and peace, and research of religious orders, as per core learning.)
Click here for a powerpoint about some charitable organisations