P6 - Kingdom of God
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Holy Cross cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P6 Kingdom of God short version (click to open)
P6 Kingdom of God long version (click to open)
A cross-curricular scriptural planner based on the Parable of the Sower, written by Anthony Hutcheson as a part of a Farmington Fellowship, can be downloaded here.
Click here for a powerpoint about the Beatitudes

Exemplar narrative 1
- Focus particularly on the scripture references to Jesus calling people to follow him.
- Hymns with reference to following e.g. Follow me; Will you come and follow me.
- Kingdom parables: read and write in their own words
- focus on Paul's Hymn to Love
- as the Beatitudes are such a focus of Confirmation preparation, we only briefly touched on the Sermon on the Mount, and will revisit this in more detail next term

Exemplar narrative 2:
Using the Year of Faith and Christian Unity Week as a stimulus, the children will deepen their knowledge of how the teachings of Jesus help us as Christians to become disciples of Jesus. The children will reflect on the parables of Matthew's Gospel chapter 13. The class will learn about the Beatitudes and will recognise that these are a guide as a way of living in a manner that brings about God's Reign. They will engage in discussions regarding our part in building God's Kingdom.

Exemplar narrative 3:
OLHS Cluster meeting, P5 working group
-Resource box including:
- Related piece of artwork
- A3 brainstorming sheet
- One box per co-op group. Each group will read their parable/beatitude and the message within it. They will talk about how it related to them. They will then use the brainstorming sheet to write down these ideas.
- Each group will then report back:
- Introduce parable
- Read it
- Show picture
- Talk about how they felt it related to them.
- What can they learn from it.
- Create an A3 piece of work: Story in their words
- Agreed moral
- All pieces of work should be bound into a final booklet. 3 different parables/beatitudes per co-op group. Timescale dependent on class.
Write - How the parable relates to them
- Write their own parable.
Say - Talk about parable in their own words
- Discuss how it relates to their own personal lives.
Make - Produce an A3 size parable to form part of a class booklet.
Do - In co-op group create simple dramatisation of their parable and record
- Peer assess each other's parables.