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P6 - Lent

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Holy Cross cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P6 Lent short version (click to open)
P6 Lent long version (click to open)


Holy Week Resources:
Click here for Guided meditation: In the Garden with Jesus (Matthew 26: 36-46)
Click here for a well-presented power point summary of the events of Holy Week
Click here for an accompanying activity idea, the diary entry of a Roman soldier/other witness

Click here to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about how Jesus' death brought peace and reconciliation

Click to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about the Old Covenant and New Covenant
Click to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about the Passover
Click to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about Sacrfice in the Old and New Testaments



Exemplar narrative 1:

In preparation for, and throughout, Lent, the children will reflect on the prayer, fasting and almsgiving they practiced during Advent, and will participate in these practices throughout Lent. They will engage in personal reflection about how the fasting and almsgiving are reflective of the temptation which Jesus endured in the desert.
They will also enhance their Bible search skills through investigation into the significance of the number 40 in the Bible.
The children will also research the activity of Scottish charities and enjoy a visit form SCIAF.
The children will be encouraged to attend Lenten Masses, recognising that prayer with the whole Catholic community and making sacrifices are mays of helping us to deepen our relationship with God.  The children will also be encouraged to seek repentance for their sins during Lent, despite temptations, as a means of restoring their relationship with God.  
During Lent, the children will revisit the Stations of the Cross and will understand the significance of each station to our lives today.  
During Holy Week, the children will pray the Sorrowful Mysteries and will be able to locate the Bible references celebrated in the mysteries.

Exemplar narrative 2:

Holy Cross cluster working group

- Change of colour is highlighted throughout the year as altar cloth is changed and particular vestments are worn (RERC 2-17a)

- Introduction to Lent through the reading of passages (e.g. Matthew 6: 16-18) to illustrate that it is God's calling to almsgiving, fasting and prayer (Matthew 6: 1-4) particularly during Lent. (RERC 2-18a)

- Class focus would involve having prayer sessions inviting family/carers etc.  Can take Lenten promises and prayers home. (RERC 2-18a)

- Revisiting the Sacrament of Reconciliation, preparing a presentation and working closely with P3 children (RERC 2-22a, 2-05a, 2-14a)

- Attend church for Stations of the Cross.  
- Drama/PE: Stations of the Cross around hall and children move around.
- Whole school assembly: each class could portray a Station.

(Editor's note:  this could be completed by reference to Missio/SCIAF (RERC 2-24a) and ways in which the Church works for justice and peace (RERC 2-10a).  Perhaps this has been omitted as it could be done in a whole-school way?
Also, Jesus ' words on the cross (RERC 2-22a) could help preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, as per core learning)                               

Lent display, P6 St Athanasius', Carluke

Lenten promise speech bubbles, P6 St Ignatius', Wishaw

Lent wordle, St Athanasius', Carluke

Making the Headlines display of Lenten etc charities, Christ the KIng Holytown

Lenten promise doves, P6 St Gerard's, Bellshill

3rd Station, OLGA Cathedral Primary Motherwell

SCIAF total target chart, St Mark's Hamilton

Missio totals displayed, St Hilary's EK

Lenten promise crosses, Christ the King Holytown

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