P6 - Mass
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Holy Cross cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P6 Mass short version (click to open)
P6 Mass long version (click to open)

Exemplar narrative 1:
St. Ambrose cluster
Week one :
- Old Testament - Introduction to Moses. In groups explore Scripture/experts -feed back to class to explain story. Create class Moses timeline/posters. Explore meaning of covenant - childen make personal covenants.
Week Two:
- Introduce new Mass responses and discuss order of Mass. Focus on the creed add to prayer book and discuss meaning. Create glossary of key words.
Week Three:
- Mass as sacrifice; children consider own personal sacrifices. prepare for class mass -altar/responses. Celebrate class Mass on the 11th of October.
(Editor note: this could be completed by refrence to the other relevant parts of core learning not mentioned e.g. the new covenant, the Our Father, genuflection, vestments)

Exemplar narrative 2:
- Daily prayers and hymns
- Class/school Masses
- Focus on revised Mass responses
- During Term 1, P6 will learn about Mass, how to participate, and that as a Catholic, we have a duty to attend Mass on Sundays and Holydays of Obligation. They will explore the meaning of Covenant and how this is still significant to our lives as Catholics today. They will explore the symbols and signs celebrated at Mass and understand their meaning.
(Editor note: this narrative gives a general picture of how a teacher might approach the theme, but would have to follow the core learning much more closely especially in relation to Moses and the Covenant, and also the New Covenant, the vestments and gestures of Mass, the Our Father etc)