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P7 - Christian Witness

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the John Ogilvie cluster group/working group, and the Our Lady's/Cardinal Newman cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P7 Christian Witness short version (click to open)
P7 Christian Witness long version (click to open)


Exemplar narrative 1:

St Margaret's cluster meeting P7 group

Suggested activities:

Show DVD of Baptism (Editor note: Alive-O 4?), explain the ceremony and go over the promises

Use examples of altar servers and music ministry in the class to explain what they contribute

Possible services (to incorporate services suggested in core learning): Leavers’ Mass, First Friday Mass, Class Mass

Look up biblical references to the Holy Spirit

Look at lives of the saints: Jesus’ Apostles, lives of young/modern saints (as per core learning) and recognising our call to discipleship

Research individual saint chosen/to be chosen for Confirmation

Christian Unity Week services/Joint campus services

Assessment Ideas:
Write:    Note take from DVD - write report/summary.
Say:      Oral feedback/presentation on chosen saint
Make:    Make poster advertising the Holy Spirit.
              Saints poster.
Do:        Demonstarte the influence of the siants on their lives.
              Participate in First Friday Mass.
              How to use the Bible.

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