P7 - Eastertide
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the John Ogilvie cluster group/working group, and the Our Lady's/Cardinal Newman cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P7 Eastertide short version (click to open)
P7 Eastertide long version (click to open)
Click here for Guided meditation: Breakfast with Jesus (John 21: 15-19)
A matching activity about the Road to Emmaus and Mass, written by Julie Neil as a part of a Farmington Fellowship, can be downloaded here.
Click to hear a podcast, aimed at teachers, about Mission in the Church
Click to hear a podcast, aimed at teachers, about the Eucharist as Source and Summit of the Christian life

Exemplar narrative 1:
St. Aidan's Cluster
- Study pictures of a church on Good Friday and Easter Sunday
- Discuss differences and reasons for them.
- Discuss absence and re-introduction of Alleluia during Lent and Easter - What is
said instead of Alleluia (Do same for Gloria - Link to Advent).
-Display Alleluia Altar
-Read and discuss Luke and John's resurrection narratives. Identify witnessess and
highlight importance of the women in Luke's Gospel and discuss role of women.
- Drama activity - hotseating - How did the witnesses feel at this time.
-Fruits of the Holy Spirit - Carousel activity - split children into groups, give each a
"fruit" e.g. joy to discuss then feed back to whole.
-Assembly on gifts and talents.
-Take class to Mass then discuss structure of Mass. Link this to narrative of Road to
Emmaus. Highlight similarities in structure - pupils to list them.
-Discuss gift of peace, look at suggested bible readings. Look at how children can be
peacemakers in their own home/social lives. Further develop this by studying topical
global conflicts. Children create their own prayers for global peace (these can be
posted in class and possibly used as bidding prayers at a Mass).
Write - Write as a bystander
- Co-op learning of key witnesses of the time.
- Bidding prayers for Mass
- Pick Hymns and readings
- Lent promise.
Say - Discuss story/characters
- Liturgical colours
- Contrast mood
- Mass responses
- Debate womens role in the church
- Confirmation.
Make - Poster contrast GF and ES
- Altar/Priest visit
- Make Doves fo Peace
Do - Drama
- Historical research
- Podcast/Interview key witnesses
- Confirmation
- Class/School Mass
- Presentation.