P7 - Beginning of the School Year
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the John Ogilvie cluster group/working group, and the Our Lady's/Cardinal Newman cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P7 Beginning of Year short version (click to open)
P7 Beginning of Year long version (click to open)

Exemplar narrative 1:
John Ogilvie cluster group
Lesson 1:
- a hymn to honour Mary linked to the feast of the Assumption (Editor note: Hail, Queen of heaven; Look down, O mother Mary?)
- statues/paintings/icons celebrating Our Lady on display
Lesson 2:
- Feast of the Assumption: discuss what it means
- the idea of a 'holyday of obligation'
Lesson 3:
- introduce the liturgical calendar - where are we now? e.g. years A, B, or C
- match the altar colour with the liturgical colour
Lesson 4:
- establish that Luke is the P7 gospel writer
- look up some scripture passages from Luke as per core learning for class discussion
Assessement ideas:
Write: Write an explanation of what a 'holyday of obligation' is.
Say: Sing a hymn to Mary
Know the date of the Assumption
Make: Create own representation of Mary
Make images to match liturgical calendar
Stained-glass window of Mary
Do: Research altar colour and liturgical colour and create picture describing what each colour symbolises

Exemplar narrative 2:
St Andrew's and St Bride's cluster meeting group
- Focus on colours of the liturgical year and seasons. Focus for prayer area colour to reflect the liturgical season. Beginnings: Genesis. Look at the cycle of the year, seasons, recycling.
- Children use bible for searching passages
- Bible quiz, "find 5 names, find about the person and their story"
- Work in pairs to find specific passages from Luke's Gospel
- Revise new Mass responses
(Other activities:
- First Friday Mass
- Our Lady's birthday
- Writing poerty: sense poem for that particular part of the year)
Assessment Ideas:
Write: Prayer for 'buddy' in P1.
Commitment/targets for P.7.
Say: Learn and recite the 'Nicene Creed'.
Recite school prayers/Mass responses.
Say commitment at class/school assembly.
Make: Design and make a liturgical calendar.
Group work - each group take responsibility for dresssing altar at
certain times of year.
Do: Prayer service/Class Assembly.
Find a specific passage within the Bible.
Outdoor appreciation of seasons (trees through the seasons)