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P7 - Holy Week

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the John Ogilvie cluster group/working group, and the Our Lady's/Cardinal Newman cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P7 Holy Week short version (click to open)
P7 Holy Week long version (click to open)


Holy Week Resource:
Click here for a well-presented power point summary of the events of Holy Week
Click here for an accompanying activity idea, the diary entry of a Roman soldier/other witness

Click here to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about how Jesus' death brought peace and reconciliation
Click to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about the Old Covenant and New Covenant
Click to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about the Passover
Click to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about Sacrfice in the Old and New Testaments

Exemplar narrative 1:

St Andrew's cluster meeting P7 group

- Invite priest to school or children to visit church to participate in Sacrament of Reconciliation (RERC 2-07a)

- Stations of the Cross: view SCES powerpoint (Editor note: see Requires login). Follow up with visit to the church to view Stations. (RERC 2-18a)

- Bible research in co-op groups of Luke Gospel characters as per core learning.  Report back (teach) characterisation of characters in Luke's account. (RERC 2-07a)

- Observe (take part in) Washing of the Feet at church service (RERC 2-07a)

- Read, record appropriate information about Garden of Gethsemane to illustrate story of  in a storyboard (RERC 2-07a)

- Read and dramatise Jesus' forgiveness on the cross (Luke 23: 33-34 and Luke 23: 39-43).  Thought tunnel, role on the wall (Editor note: see further drama tools here) (RERC 2-07a)

- Study readings of Isaiah as per core learning (RERC 2-05a)

- Bible research - Treasure Hunt: find clues for what leads up to the covenant as a promise (Editor note: the children should also have some prior learning from P6 about the covenant) (RERC 2-03a)

- Metaphor/sybolism of what covenant means (RERC 2-05a)

- Look at account of Last Supper.  Discuss/Illustrate/Pupil choice.  Report back in groups. (RERC 2-05a)

(Editor note:  this exemplar could be completed with a reference to the changing aesthetics of the church during Holy Week)

Assessment Ideas:
Write:    Sequence Stations of the Cross.
              Re-tell and record in own words main events of garden of Gethsemane.
Say:       I can say appropriate prayers to coincide with each Station.
              Describe and identify key information leading up to the covenant.
Make:    Paint and create collages of Stations.
              Act out Last Supper - preparing and laying table.
              Speak the words Jesus spoke.
Do:        Meditate/reflect on Stations of the Cross.
              Visit to Church.
              Give children about three choices of different music which one reflects 
              upon each Station.

2nd Station, OLGA Cathedral Primary Motherwell

3rd Station, OLGA Cathedral Primary Motherwell

4th Station, OLGA Cathedral Primary Motherwell

5th Station, OLGA Cathedral Primary Motherwell

Events of Holy Week cartoon, St Edward's, Airdrie

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