P7 - Holy Week
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the John Ogilvie cluster group/working group, and the Our Lady's/Cardinal Newman cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P7 Holy Week short version (click to open)
P7 Holy Week long version (click to open)
Holy Week Resource:
Click here for a well-presented power point summary of the events of Holy Week
Click here for an accompanying activity idea, the diary entry of a Roman soldier/other witness
Click here to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about how Jesus' death brought peace and reconciliation
Click to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about the Old Covenant and New Covenant
Click to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about the Passover
Click to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about Sacrfice in the Old and New Testaments

Exemplar narrative 1:
St Andrew's cluster meeting P7 group
- Invite priest to school or children to visit church to participate in Sacrament of Reconciliation (RERC 2-07a)
- Stations of the Cross: view SCES powerpoint (Editor note: see http://www.sces.uk.com/lent-and-easter-2012.html Requires login). Follow up with visit to the church to view Stations. (RERC 2-18a)
- Bible research in co-op groups of Luke Gospel characters as per core learning. Report back (teach) characterisation of characters in Luke's account. (RERC 2-07a)
- Observe (take part in) Washing of the Feet at church service (RERC 2-07a)
- Read, record appropriate information about Garden of Gethsemane to illustrate story of in a storyboard (RERC 2-07a)
- Read and dramatise Jesus' forgiveness on the cross (Luke 23: 33-34 and Luke 23: 39-43). Thought tunnel, role on the wall (Editor note: see further drama tools here) (RERC 2-07a)
- Study readings of Isaiah as per core learning (RERC 2-05a)
- Bible research - Treasure Hunt: find clues for what leads up to the covenant as a promise (Editor note: the children should also have some prior learning from P6 about the covenant) (RERC 2-03a)
- Metaphor/sybolism of what covenant means (RERC 2-05a)
- Look at account of Last Supper. Discuss/Illustrate/Pupil choice. Report back in groups. (RERC 2-05a)
(Editor note: this exemplar could be completed with a reference to the changing aesthetics of the church during Holy Week)
Assessment Ideas:
Write: Sequence Stations of the Cross.
Re-tell and record in own words main events of garden of Gethsemane.
Say: I can say appropriate prayers to coincide with each Station.
Describe and identify key information leading up to the covenant.
Make: Paint and create collages of Stations.
Act out Last Supper - preparing and laying table.
Speak the words Jesus spoke.
Do: Meditate/reflect on Stations of the Cross.
Visit to Church.
Give children about three choices of different music which one reflects
upon each Station.
![]() 2nd Station, OLGA Cathedral Primary Motherwell | ![]() 3rd Station, OLGA Cathedral Primary Motherwell |
![]() 4th Station, OLGA Cathedral Primary Motherwell | ![]() 5th Station, OLGA Cathedral Primary Motherwell |
![]() Events of Holy Week cartoon, St Edward's, Airdrie |