P7 - Jesus and Justice
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the John Ogilvie cluster group/working group, and the Our Lady's/Cardinal Newman cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P7 Journey short version (click to open)
P7 Journey long version (click to open)
Click to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about Journey motifs in the Old Testament, especially Abraham
Click to hear a podcast, aimed at teachers, about Mission in the Church

Scottish saints presentations
Click on the Saint's name below for a powerpoint presentation written by Caroline Pitcathley as part of a Farmington Fellowship:
St Columba
St Ninian
Scottish Saints factcards

Exemplar narrative 1:
St Andrew's cluster meeting P7 group
- Revise prior learning: journey - what do we know already? Confirmation (possibly from year before), any other journeys (abroad etc), looking forward to journeys such as that to secondary school.
- How can we recall our journeys? Evidence from pictures/stories from grans etc/diaries - we know it happened because...
- Link to scripture passages - how do we know these journeys happened? Why? Link with the Holy Spirit.
- Explore journey of our reception of sacraments from Baptism onwards
- Map to record journeys of the saints (Scottish theme in particular) and research why and what they did to spread the Good News. What was the impact of these journeys? (Co-op learning)
- Charity work done by others to spread the Good News - e.g. of Let the Children Live: Presentation by Fr Peter Walters and website (Editor note:http://letthechildrenlive.org/). Who benefits and why should we help?
- Discuss why people visit places of pilgrimage e.g. Lourdes, Carfin. Trip to Grotto since is closer to home, or to Pastoral Centre. Invite visiting speakers from Lourdes trips to discuss experience.
Assessment Ideas:
Write: Write about their journey - Tourist book (Self/Peer/Teacher assess).
Research on Saint for profile.
Say: Discussion of journeys and how they have affected them - Linked to
Sacraments too. (Teacher assessed)
Make: Collage of their journey - Pictures, Annotations. (Story map)
Saints profile (Powerpoint/homework) - Documentary or News Report.
Do: Present their journey to peers. (Peer assessed)
Pastoral visit - Carfin or Centre.
Lenten charity fundraiseer.
Wall display.