P7 - Mary
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the John Ogilvie cluster group/working group, and the Our Lady's/Cardinal Newman cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P7 Mary short version (click to open)
P7 Mary long version (click to open)
Click here for a reflection on the Mysteries of Light
Click here for an anagram puzzle about the
feasts associated with Our Lady

Exemplar narrative 1:
St. Cuthbert’s, Hamilton:
We were learning about the importance and value of prayer. As this was October and the month of the Rosary, we prayed the Rosary daily. We learned about the Luminous Mysteries and read about each of these mysteries from the Bible. The children created an altar dedicated to Our Lady and brought in images and statues from home to decorate our altar. We made salt dough statues of Our Lady to have as our own personal focus when praying. We learned to pray the Rosary reciting Hail Holy Queen and the Creed by heart. We explored Our Lady’s feast days such as Lourdes and Fatima, reading about these events and looking at statues and images associated with them. During Literacy, we retold the important events in Mary’s life into one large class book including our own illustrations.
We created our own Litany to Our Lady having been inspired by the Litany of Saints and concluded our lessons with a small prayer service to Our Lady. Our prayer service included hymns to Our Lady that we had learned.
Resources used:
Mysteries of Light, The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan Matt. 3: 16-17, The Wedding at Cana John 2: 11-12, The Proclamation of the Kingdom Matt. 4: 17-23, The Transfiguration of Jesus Mark 9: 2, 6-8, The Institute of the Holy Eucharist Matt. 26: 26-28.
www.catholicyouth.freeservers.com/litanies for help constructing a litany
Hymn As I kneel before you
Bring flowers of the rarest
I’ll sing a hymn to Mary
Immaculate Mary

Exemplar narrative 2:
Holy Cross cluster meeting working group
· Display altar in honour Mary in class and recite a decade of the rosary during afternoon prayers.
· Read and discuss the Luminous Mysteries reflecting and developing a deeper understanding of the public life of Jesus. (website: www.how-to-pray-the-rosary-everyday.com)
· Pupils will illustrate and write a summary of the Luminous Mysteries in turn.
· In pairs compose a litany to Mary.
· Pupils will begin to compile their own 'Book of Prayers'
· Groups select one of the scripture passages to read and discuss (RERC 2.09a).
Each group produces a 'display' (A3 approx) depicting their learning and understanding.
Groups will cascade knowledge and understanding back to class.
Assessment ideas:
Compose personal prayer/litany to Mary.
Storyboard of Visitation
Illustrate/write summary of Luminous Mysteries
Can tell fellow pupils about what are the Luminous Mysteries
Powerpoint of the Luminous Mysteries
Create individual Rosary through the use of clay/collage
Make litany prayer book
Look for/research scriptures linked to Luminous Mysteries

Exemplar narrative 3: St Blane's, Blantyre
- Discussion of what the children already know about Mary, and discuss why we pray to Mary
- Use online Mysteries of the Rosary to learn about each Luminous Mystery and its significance, create pictures of, and pray the Luminous Mysteries
- Compose and pray a simple litany
Read the Magnificat
- Learn/revise Hail Holy Queen and hymns to Our Lady