P7 - Pentecost & Trinity Sunday
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the John Ogilvie cluster group/working group, and the Our Lady's/Cardinal Newman cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P7 Pentecost/Trinity short version (click to open)
P7 Pentecost/Trinity long version (click to open)
A cross-curricular scriptural planner based on the Trinity, written by Julie Neil and Anthony Hutcheson as a part of a Farmington Fellowship, can be downloaded here.
Click to hear a podcast, aimed at teachers, about the Our Father
Click to hear a podcast, aimed at teachers, about Mission in the Church

Exemplar narrative 1:
Taylor High cluster
- In a Confirmation year there will be an overlap with Pentecost and Trinity Sunday.
- To ensure all the E's and O's are taught refer to relevent Scripture in 2-04a when teaching the theme of the Holy Spirit.
- 2-05a - At the end of confirmation there would be a focus on the importance of prayer in Jesus life, especially in decision making and important moments, and link this to the mystery of the Trinity.
- Discuss the unique relationship between Jesus, Father and Holy Spirit and how depended on them. Link this to the importance of parental support , as well as parish and community.
(Editor note: this could be completed by reference to the Our Father and the Creed, as per core learning)
Write - Own prayers focusing on importance of Jesus in their lives
- Write about people who are important to them
- Write about times when prayer has been importasnt in their own lives
- Write about a unique relationship they have.
Say - Discuss relationship between Jesus, Father and Holy Spirit and who
depended on them
- Discuss the Holy Trinity
- Prayer service/circle with personal intentions
- Pray the creed
- Hymn singing, Father in my life
- Discuss the relationship of the Trinity, link to family, school, parish and
Make - Comparison between them receiving the Holy Spirit in the form of the
candle and the apostles receiving it in the form of a flame
- Trinity, shamrocks
- Personal prayer card
- Create a symbol to represent the Trinity.
Do - Bible search, Jesus involved in the prayer
- Research Pentecost and Trinity Sunday
- Research moments where Jesus' prayer involved in prayer, Bible search.