RCIA - Mystagogia Ministry

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process for preparing and welcoming new members into the Catholic Church. Our Mission is to empower the Parishes of the Diocese of Motherwell to implement fully a programme of faith development.
Our vision is that the Diocesan RCIA Team as part of Diocesan Mission and Evangelisation Office will:
Proclaim Jesus' message,teach his truth and extend his love to all seeking reception into the Catholic Church.
Foster the development of teams in the parishes of the Diocese,assisting them to use the four periods of the Catechumenate process and outline and explain the various rituals as provided in the Rite.
Encourage Parish Communities to support those seeking full reception into the Catholic Church through prayer and opportunities for involvement in the Pastoral, Liturgical and Social Life of the Parish.
Encourage cooperation and support among the RCIA Parish Teams in the Diocese in order to create various ways of sharing the RCIA vision and resources.
Journey into Faith
RCIA or the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the name given to the process by which people who are searching and exploring their Faith in Jesus Christ enter into full communion with the Catholic Church.
It is a journey in faith supported and encouraged by the whole Christian Community. Many of the Parishes in the Diocese of Motherwell offer the opportunity of joining a RCIA group. If you are searching for God, want to know more about the Catholic Faith, or are seeking full communion with the Catholic Church, please make contact with your local Catholic Parish.
RCIA in the Diocese of Motherwell is coordinated by Father Dominic Quinn supported by a Diocesan Team.
Stages in the RCIA Process
Period of Evangelisation and Pre- Catechumenate.
This is a time of no fixed duration for asking questions about the Catholic Faith and an introduction to Gospel Values.It is an opportunity for those who are not Catholic who want to explore what it would mean for them to become a Catholic Christian.
First Step;Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens (Rite of Welcome and Acceptance)
This is a liturgical ceremony or rite marking the beginning of the Catechumenate proper, as the candidates express and the Church accepts their intention to respond to Gods call to follow the way of Christ as a member of the Catholic Church.
Period of Catechumenate.
This is the time for the nurturing and growth of the Catechumens faith and conversion to God.
Second Step - Rite of Election or Enrolment of Names.
This is the liturgical ceremony or rite celebrated on the 1st Sunday of Lent at the Cathedral in Motherwell with the Bishop, by which the Church formally accepts the catechumens and candidates( now the elect) readiness for the Sacraments of Initiation and full communion into the church. In many parishes in the Diocese there is a Rite of Sending Forth at the regular Sunday Mass when Catechumenates and Candidates are sent forth by the Parish Community with support and in prayer.
Period of Purification and Enlightenment.
This is the time immediately preceeding the Elects Initiation, usually the Lenten season.This is a time of reflection centred on conversion marked by the celebration of the Scrutinies, Presentations and the preparation Rites on Holy Saturday.
Third Step - Celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation.
This is the liturgical ceremony or Rite , usually at the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday Evening, by which the elect are initiated through Baptism,Confirmation and the Eucharist. Candidates ( already baptised) receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and the Eucharist.
This is the time following Christian Initiation and a time of celebration for the newly Baptised and Initiated into the Church . It is also a time for them to adapt to their new role within the community of the Church.This stage is concluded with the celebration of the great feast of Pentecost.